What the eternally young and impeccably beautiful Lyubov Orlov hid, no one said about it.
Love Orlov adored by millions of Soviet film lovers. Outstanding actress of theater and film, singer and dancer was much to admire. After all, apart from the multifaceted talent, she was really beautiful, and always looked much younger than her age. Surprisingly, Photo by Love Orlova It's hard to guess how old she really was. The celebrity herself kept this information secret.
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell about little-known facts about Lyubov Orlov. Around this woman there were always many legends, some details of her biography were deliberately hidden. Therefore, even ardent fans of this Soviet celebrity do not know much about her.
According to official data, Lyubov Orlova was born in early 1902. Although many people who have personally known the actress (some have known her since childhood) claimed that she was actually much older.
Instagram / @history_art_blog So the notorious Faina Ranevskaya told that when issuing passports in the early 30s, you could specify any date of birth (and any name). “Lyubash was not confused and immediately lost a dozen years,” said Faina Georgievna.
Of course, biographers doubt that it is just 10 years. However, they fully admit that Lyubov Orlov could have been born a few years before 1902.
But the noble origin of the actress may well be true. Some attributed family ties Orlova with the favorite of Catherine the Great – Grigory Orlov. But to find solid confirmation of this version failed. But his paternal grandfather went to state councilors and was himself married to a noblewoman. Mother Love was also a noblewoman.
Instagram / @ganeeva.gulnara The personal life of the actress Lyubov Orlova concluded with Andrey Berzin. However, the couple were not very close, each went about their own business, rarely spent time together. Soon Berzin was arrested for allegedly anti-Soviet activities and exiled to Kazakhstan.
Orlova was even credited with an affair with Stalin. Although the actress saw the then leader only once. She asked him about her husband because she didn’t even know where he was. In response, Stalin said that Berzin was exiled.
Fateful for the actress was a meeting in 1933 with film director Grigory Alexandrov. People of art immediately found a common language, felt a special sympathy for each other. In the same year, they married for 42 years.
Gregory and Love often publicly confessed their feelings to each other. However, part of the public was convinced that it was a union of convenience. After all, the careers of Alexandrov and Orlova from the moment of acquaintance were intertwined very closely.
Attitude to appearance Grigory Alexandrov diligently did everything to his wife on the screen was irresistible at any age. The camera shot only from the most favorable angles. A soft light during black and white shooting smoothed out any shortcomings in the appearance of the actors. They even included special lighting from the bottom to remove unnecessary shadows and hide wrinkles.
Instagram / @marina_stepanova_moscow Love herself was also attentive to her appearance. She did not agree to take amateur photos, the pictures were supposed to be only with a professional retouch. The actress was afraid to look bad not only on the screen, but also in life. And over the years, this fear only grew, turned into a real phobia.
It is said that Lyubov Petrovna, being familiar with the party elite, personally asked not to mention how old she was. And the age of the filmmaker really concealed. What to say, if in her latest film “Starling and Lyra” Orlova played a 25-year-old girl. Although the actress at that time was already over 70.
Instagram / @russia_in_photo The film was ambiguously received by both critics and ordinary viewers. However, the critique of the celebrity has not heard. In the same year, her health deteriorated, doctors diagnosed pancreatic cancer.
In January 1975, Lyubov Orlova died. She was buried in a closed coffin. No one ever saw what the legendary actress looked like in her final days. She seems to want to take all her secrets with her.
Also find out why Lyudmila Gurchenko in her old age established relations with those whom she could not stand in her youth. And also read the witty quotes of Faina Ranevskaya.

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell about little-known facts about Lyubov Orlov. Around this woman there were always many legends, some details of her biography were deliberately hidden. Therefore, even ardent fans of this Soviet celebrity do not know much about her.
According to official data, Lyubov Orlova was born in early 1902. Although many people who have personally known the actress (some have known her since childhood) claimed that she was actually much older.

Instagram / @history_art_blog So the notorious Faina Ranevskaya told that when issuing passports in the early 30s, you could specify any date of birth (and any name). “Lyubash was not confused and immediately lost a dozen years,” said Faina Georgievna.
Of course, biographers doubt that it is just 10 years. However, they fully admit that Lyubov Orlov could have been born a few years before 1902.
But the noble origin of the actress may well be true. Some attributed family ties Orlova with the favorite of Catherine the Great – Grigory Orlov. But to find solid confirmation of this version failed. But his paternal grandfather went to state councilors and was himself married to a noblewoman. Mother Love was also a noblewoman.

Instagram / @ganeeva.gulnara The personal life of the actress Lyubov Orlova concluded with Andrey Berzin. However, the couple were not very close, each went about their own business, rarely spent time together. Soon Berzin was arrested for allegedly anti-Soviet activities and exiled to Kazakhstan.
Orlova was even credited with an affair with Stalin. Although the actress saw the then leader only once. She asked him about her husband because she didn’t even know where he was. In response, Stalin said that Berzin was exiled.

Fateful for the actress was a meeting in 1933 with film director Grigory Alexandrov. People of art immediately found a common language, felt a special sympathy for each other. In the same year, they married for 42 years.
Gregory and Love often publicly confessed their feelings to each other. However, part of the public was convinced that it was a union of convenience. After all, the careers of Alexandrov and Orlova from the moment of acquaintance were intertwined very closely.
Attitude to appearance Grigory Alexandrov diligently did everything to his wife on the screen was irresistible at any age. The camera shot only from the most favorable angles. A soft light during black and white shooting smoothed out any shortcomings in the appearance of the actors. They even included special lighting from the bottom to remove unnecessary shadows and hide wrinkles.

Instagram / @marina_stepanova_moscow Love herself was also attentive to her appearance. She did not agree to take amateur photos, the pictures were supposed to be only with a professional retouch. The actress was afraid to look bad not only on the screen, but also in life. And over the years, this fear only grew, turned into a real phobia.
It is said that Lyubov Petrovna, being familiar with the party elite, personally asked not to mention how old she was. And the age of the filmmaker really concealed. What to say, if in her latest film “Starling and Lyra” Orlova played a 25-year-old girl. Although the actress at that time was already over 70.

Instagram / @russia_in_photo The film was ambiguously received by both critics and ordinary viewers. However, the critique of the celebrity has not heard. In the same year, her health deteriorated, doctors diagnosed pancreatic cancer.
In January 1975, Lyubov Orlova died. She was buried in a closed coffin. No one ever saw what the legendary actress looked like in her final days. She seems to want to take all her secrets with her.
Also find out why Lyudmila Gurchenko in her old age established relations with those whom she could not stand in her youth. And also read the witty quotes of Faina Ranevskaya.
The grandmother looked into the room of the grandson and began to be baptized, seeing that he was watching a series about the group “King and Jester”
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