A test that will help you understand how dark your soul is, and look into its hidden corners
It is believed that in every person there are both good and bad. And this balance is often destroyed under the influence of a variety of factors, such as character, upbringing, life circumstances, environment.
Today's edition. "Site" Asks the reader to take a curious test that will tell you how much you have. dark side. Answer a few questions, count your scores and find out what you never thought about before.
Read each question carefully and choose one of three answers. For the first option, get one ball, for the second - 2 points, for the third - three points.
Do people think you are lazy and slow? If not, write 1 point, if in doubt, then hold 2 points. If the surroundings consider you lazy, then do not be lazy to write yourself another 3 points. Have you ever laughed at other people’s failures? If you do this all the time, give yourself 1 point. If you laugh more at your own stupidity, get 2 points. And if the failures of others make you sad, then you get 3 points. When was the last time you complimented someone? Those who don’t give compliments get 1 point. If you've been praising someone in the last couple of weeks, then hold on to 2 points. If you said a compliment today, it deserves three points.
How many points did you get? From 10 to 14 points score people with a very dark soul. You are close to black humor, you hate others and rejoice when they feel bad. Your enemies should be wary, because you are constantly hatching dark plans for revenge. A real villain, no other way.
From 15 to 20 points you can score people with a dark, but not a black soul. You can see the worst in everything, but it seems beautiful. Philosophical reflections are close to you, they easily capture you for long hours. Sometimes at night, you can’t sleep, because all sorts of stupid things get into your head.
From 21 to 25 points are scored by people whose soul is not dark. At the same time, you can impersonate a sullen and soulless person, but the closest ones know that this is not true. You have a lot of light, you know how to find joy in life. You pretend to be evil just to protect your vulnerable nature.
A score of 26 to 30 is given to those who have no darkness. Your soul can be compared to a radiant rainbow. Kindness, caring and cheerfulness are all about you. Next to you, you can safely look to the future without fear of the darkness of this world.
How did the test results match your own beliefs? Share your thoughts in the comments. And take other interesting tests that will tell you more about your current emotional state.

Today's edition. "Site" Asks the reader to take a curious test that will tell you how much you have. dark side. Answer a few questions, count your scores and find out what you never thought about before.
Read each question carefully and choose one of three answers. For the first option, get one ball, for the second - 2 points, for the third - three points.
- Are you afraid of the dark? If you like the lack of light sources, then write one ball in your asset. If the darkness scares you sometimes, get two points. And if darkness always makes you feel anxious, then three points are yours.
- Have you ever faked a disease? If you don't see anything wrong with that, you get one ball. If you sometimes pretend to be sick, but you think it’s wrong, write down two points. And if you refuse such tricks, then keep 3 points at once.
- What movies do you hate? For dislike of romantic comedies get 1 point, and for dislike of historical dramas take 2 points. If you don’t like horror movies, you deserve 3 points.
- Imagine a spider climbing into your bathroom. What are you doing? If you give him a name and start a conversation with him, 1 point is yours. If you try to get rid of this spider immediately, get 2 points. And if you run out of the bathroom and refuse to come back here, 3 points is yours.
- What's your relationship with your neighbors? If you do not have a relationship, write 1 point. If you sometimes say hello and can exchange a couple of phrases with them, then write 2 points in your asset. If you make friends with your neighbors, you deserve 3 points.

Do people think you are lazy and slow? If not, write 1 point, if in doubt, then hold 2 points. If the surroundings consider you lazy, then do not be lazy to write yourself another 3 points. Have you ever laughed at other people’s failures? If you do this all the time, give yourself 1 point. If you laugh more at your own stupidity, get 2 points. And if the failures of others make you sad, then you get 3 points. When was the last time you complimented someone? Those who don’t give compliments get 1 point. If you've been praising someone in the last couple of weeks, then hold on to 2 points. If you said a compliment today, it deserves three points.

How many points did you get? From 10 to 14 points score people with a very dark soul. You are close to black humor, you hate others and rejoice when they feel bad. Your enemies should be wary, because you are constantly hatching dark plans for revenge. A real villain, no other way.
From 15 to 20 points you can score people with a dark, but not a black soul. You can see the worst in everything, but it seems beautiful. Philosophical reflections are close to you, they easily capture you for long hours. Sometimes at night, you can’t sleep, because all sorts of stupid things get into your head.
From 21 to 25 points are scored by people whose soul is not dark. At the same time, you can impersonate a sullen and soulless person, but the closest ones know that this is not true. You have a lot of light, you know how to find joy in life. You pretend to be evil just to protect your vulnerable nature.

A score of 26 to 30 is given to those who have no darkness. Your soul can be compared to a radiant rainbow. Kindness, caring and cheerfulness are all about you. Next to you, you can safely look to the future without fear of the darkness of this world.
How did the test results match your own beliefs? Share your thoughts in the comments. And take other interesting tests that will tell you more about your current emotional state.
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