Psychological drawing test

The desire to understand yourself from time to time arises in everyone: it so happens that at work or in the family something goes wrong, inside there is a constant feeling of dissatisfaction, and waking up in the morning, the first thing you want to change something. The best thing to do in this situation is to listen to the inner voice and try to find yourself.

Often. psychological drawing tests They help you to know yourself better than a qualified specialist! The visual test you are going to take will send you straight to your subconscious mind: respond quickly and get the most truthful result.

"Site" Asks you to look at the image above and immediately answer that you caught the eye first. In the meantime, we will try to look into your subconscious. You ready?

Psychological tests on drawings
  1. Man and woman
    If the first thing that catches your eye is a man and a woman in the foreground, you are someone whose energy is relentlessly moving forward and whose mind is acting immediately. Inside you boils powerful, bright, fiery energy, and in your favorite business you are ready to plunge into the head. Your desires are strong and your passions are fierce.

    You know exactly what you want and you are confident in your goal. When you are happy, you literally shine with warmth, but remember: everything should be in moderation. To balance the bubbling energy inside, give yourself a moral and physical rest, change your surroundings more often, enjoy soothing scents, practice meditation and find time for walks in the fresh air.

  2. Face.
    If the first thing you saw in the picture face, under your appearance hides an emotional, dreamy and artistic nature. Especially brightly your character traits are manifested in moments of strong emotional shock, immense happiness and love. You are characterized by a calm and harmonious lifestyle, love and a positive type of thinking.

    You easily make friends and quickly find a common language with people of different nature, and your fragile nature is as easy to hurt as to charm. Perhaps close divas are given why you are so calm and sometimes careless, when everyone around the place does not find themselves, but you are simply lucky to be born with such an enviable character.

  3. Figure in the foreground
    We are sure that you are a focused, intelligent and extremely curious person, because you were the first to see a barely noticeable figure in the foreground of the picture. You are often thoughtful and silent, but at the same time you have a special love for all sorts of disputes and debates, because you are a hundred years sure of your own rightness. Asking questions and finding answers just as quickly is something you can do endlessly.

    Your bright head holds a lot of outstanding ideas that you happily share with others. In general, you are an excellent organizer and a determined leader, but your stubbornness and excessive self-confidence can cause a lot of trouble. To keep energy in a healthy balance, communicate only with friendly people, learn to manage temper and avoid aggressive situations.


Of course, only a licensed psychologist can conduct professional personality tests and interpret their results, and our home psychologist can do it. subconscious-test It’s just a way to understand yourself again without outside interference. Spend 5 minutes and look into the depths of your own consciousness – sure, this test will help to look at your own advantages and disadvantages, as well as correctly correct them in the right direction.

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