The best and the worst city to live in peace
Top Cities
10th place. Auckland, New Zealand. He received a rating of 95, 7 points out of 100.
9th place. Perth, Australia. 95, 9 points.
8th place. Helsinki, Finland. 96, 0 points.
7th place. Sydney, Australia. 96, 1 points.
6th place. Adelaide, Australia. 96, 6 points.
5th place. Calgary, Canada. 96, six points.
4th place. Toronto, Canada. 97, 2 points.
3rd place. Vancouver, Canada. 97, 3 points.
2nd place. Vienna, Austria. 97, four points.
1st place. And the best city on earth found in Melbourne, Australia. He received the highest number of points - 97, 5.
The worst city
10th place. Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. The city received 45, 9 points.
9th place. Tehran, Iran. 45, 8 points.
8th place. Douala, Cameroon. 43, 3.
7th place. Tripoli, Libya. 42, 8.
6th place. Karachi, Pakistan. 40, 9.
5th place. Algiers, Algeria. 40, 9.
4th place. Harare, Zimbabwe. 39, 4.
3rd place. Lagos, Nigeria. 39, 0.
2nd place. Port Moresby, Papua - New Guinea. 38, 9.
1st place. The worst city in the world recognized as Dhaka, Bangladesh. 38, 7 points.
10th place. Auckland, New Zealand. He received a rating of 95, 7 points out of 100.

9th place. Perth, Australia. 95, 9 points.

8th place. Helsinki, Finland. 96, 0 points.

7th place. Sydney, Australia. 96, 1 points.

6th place. Adelaide, Australia. 96, 6 points.

5th place. Calgary, Canada. 96, six points.

4th place. Toronto, Canada. 97, 2 points.

3rd place. Vancouver, Canada. 97, 3 points.

2nd place. Vienna, Austria. 97, four points.

1st place. And the best city on earth found in Melbourne, Australia. He received the highest number of points - 97, 5.

The worst city
10th place. Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. The city received 45, 9 points.

9th place. Tehran, Iran. 45, 8 points.

8th place. Douala, Cameroon. 43, 3.

7th place. Tripoli, Libya. 42, 8.

6th place. Karachi, Pakistan. 40, 9.

5th place. Algiers, Algeria. 40, 9.

4th place. Harare, Zimbabwe. 39, 4.

3rd place. Lagos, Nigeria. 39, 0.

2nd place. Port Moresby, Papua - New Guinea. 38, 9.

1st place. The worst city in the world recognized as Dhaka, Bangladesh. 38, 7 points.

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