Call the ward immediately, noticing a fork in your front door, new scam

In difficult times, the number of scammers, burglars and thieves always increases. They are constantly inventing new ways to take possession of other people’s property. Safe behavior at home will save you from scammers.


Peels Our editorial office "Site" I have prepared for you security methods, how not to become a victim of fraud. Do not neglect these simple rules. They will help you save your property and maybe even your life.

Today, very often thieves use, as a tool, an ordinary kitchen fork. If you see a fork like that sticking out of your door, call the police immediately. That means you've already had uninvited guests in your apartment. Fraudsters use a fork to easily open the front door.

They saw two central cloves, and the two extreme ones are left as is. Then insert a fork into the gap between the door and the door jamb at the level where the lock is located. Thus, the two extreme teeth touch the lock mechanism. Then you need to turn the fork like a wrench and the door will open. Fraudsters are very proud of their invention. So don’t ignore the appearance of a fork in your door or neighbor’s.

If you are leaving your apartment for a long time, we recommend that you read the following safety rules. Very often, when we go to work, we carefully check and close the windows and windows tightly. Put the curtains down and turn off the lights. From a security point of view, these are absolutely the right measures.

If it rains or the wind starts, our windows will remain intact. Sunlight will not heat any surface or start a fire. When the power is turned off, there will be no short circuit. But for burglars, dark, tightly hung windows are bait. If they see that the apartment is dark for a long time and everything is closed, then the house is empty. It is monitored to determine when the owner leaves the apartment.

If you are late from work when it is already dark outside, worry about installing lights in front of the house with a motion sensor. This method perfectly scares away those who want to profit from your good. Also, if you still hang the windows, you can get a small lamp on batteries and leave it on. Thus, the window will reflect light, while this method is absolutely safe from the point of view of electricity. The battery consumes very little power and is not powered by electricity from the grid.

Another mandatory reception from scammers. When you are at home, close the front door with a key. Even if you think that you will hear any rustle and be nearby. The burglars are very quiet and fast. They use the pen method.

They walk very quietly and carefully through the floors and corridors and slightly press the door handles. If after pressing the door opens, the robber is inside the apartment. At best, it will take away what will be next to the front door, such as your bag or outerwear. But he can move on and then your life will be in danger.

Simple safety methods will help to save your health, life and dear things. Don't forget them. And share in the comments what methods of dealing with scammers you know.


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