Soviet children were able to curry: modern parents in shock

You can relate to the Soviet period of history differently. But people whose childhood and youth passed under the Soviet Union will definitely remember something good. It is especially common to hear that their childhoods were more intense, fun and reckless than those of the digital age. And Soviet childLike independence and hard work, they were much better developed. Is that true?

Today's edition. "Site" He will share stories from readers who remember their childhood. These people are sure that any modern parent would be horrified by the “innocent” pranks of the Soviet era.

Quality of the Soviet child
  1. “The shops now have toys for every taste. In our time, we made everything with our own hands. I remember making darts for homemade darts. All I had to do was steal my grandmother's needles and paper matches. It was just as fun as the store. It was certainly no less fun.

    “Boomerangs were also made from ordinary measuring lines. The main thing here was to twist everything correctly using threads or tape. With such a boomerang, you instantly turned into a thunderstorm for local crows and pigeons. The elaborately twisted boomerang even returned to its owner, which was particularly cool.”

    “Every slingshot boy had a slingshot. Everyone knew how to cut such a thing from branched branches. Then you attach a tourniquet stolen from the first aid kit - and the tool is ready. You can shoot stones at your friends or any animal that catches your eye, Dmitry describes his memoirs.

  2. “Water battles were common. You take a plastic bottle, you punch a couple of holes in the lid and fill it with water. Now you sneak up with your friends on the girls from the next playground and pour them generously with water. They usually paid us back later.” “If you make water bombs out of balloons, you don’t even have to leave the apartment. They were thrown under the feet of passers-by and hid in time. The main thing is not to get caught, otherwise the parents will wrench the ears of both you and your like-minded friends, Evgeny recalls.

It is difficult for me to imagine that modern children pick out poisonous lead from old batteries. But from this lead we smelted and made all sorts of interesting figures, even the same soldiers. Of course, doing that is dangerous. You can earn burns and poison lead vapors. That did not stop us at that time.” “They were still amused by throwing pieces of slate into the fire, which burst in fire and flew in different directions. You had to stay away from the fire, otherwise such a flaming piece could fly into any part of your body.”

“The smokebirds also enjoyed special love. We built them more often from old film. Although broken tennis balls were also suitable for this case. In general, I can say that everything that burned well or smoked, we, the boys, were in special honor, recalls Andrei.


“There was a real childhood in our time. Slingshots, scarecrows, chimneys. Every kid had a penknife to play with. Parents were always at work, and we grew up on the street, it was impossible to drive into the house.” “Lapta, football, Cossack robbers, blind men... In the warm season, they rode bicycles, in the winter - on sleds, skis and skates. You can’t see children on the street, they’re on the Internet. In old age, they will have nothing to remember, Ivan resented.

Needless to say, the time was different. The way of life of both children and adults has changed a lot. However, it cannot be said that digital age They live less interesting and fulfilling lives. They just live differently.

What do you think about that? Share your thoughts and memories in the comments.

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