“Atomic” bread in glass according to the exact recipe from Germany

Bake homemade bread quickly and, as they say, “for centuries” can be according to this recipe. "Atomic" bread in glass can be store up to 12 months. You can even cook it on candles! Flour is not needed, instead you need to take oatmeal.

Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you how to make a "atomic" glass-breadThat it will last forever. It's not moldy!

Bake homemade bread quickly Ingredients for dough
  • 400g oatmeal
  • 1 can of canned beans
  • pistachio
  • sunflower
  • flaxseed
  • 150 ml of water
  • 20 ml of vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp salt

  1. Prepare oatmeal in advance, we will use them instead of flour. In principle, you can use any cereal not only oatmeal, the main thing is to grind it into powder.

  2. Open a can of canned beans and, along with the liquid, pour it into a bowl of blender. Strike it to uniformity. By the way, beans belong to legumes, so peas will fit. Pour the mixture to the oatmeal.

  3. Add nuts, seeds and flax seeds. Look at the proportions according to your taste. Nuts will fit any you have available. Nuts and seeds are better to grind, especially walnuts. Also add vegetable oil to the dough (can be replaced with butter), water and salt. Stir it to uniformity.

  4. Use glass jars with lids as a form. Lubricate the bottom and sides of the cans with vegetable oil, and then lay out the dough, tamping it well. Smooth the dough on top and oil it. Bake bread in a preheated to 180 degrees oven until ready (until it turns brown). Leave the covers in the oven to be sterilized.

  5. Let the finished bread cool a little in the oven. Then cover it with lids, turn it over and knock a little can on the table to peel the bread off the bottom and walls of the jar. Keep this bread in a cool place.

  6. Well, candles are better. bread with flour and yeast, but this one is also possible, but then it should be laid out not in cans, but in a detachable form for baking. For home candles, you need to pour vegetable oil into several cans, put a couple of wicks in them (preferably 4), you can take homemade fabric, and light these wicks. At the edges of the cans, put bricks that will serve as supports.

    Put a grill on them, and I'll put a pot on them. Put the dough in the pan, cover the pan with a lid. Candles will warm the pan, and she, in turn, hot steam evenly heat and bake bread. With powerful candles, it takes about 35 minutes.

I also suggest you find out what you need to have in the house in case of planned power outages. Help not only to prepare for the cold season, but also to relieve anxiety a little!

"Atomic" bread comes out beautiful, fragrant and crispy. It is less porous than the store. But it is more nutritious and nutritious!

Now you know how to bake. bread Quickly and without much fuss. Such bread will definitely help in difficult times. But let them, for God’s sake, never come and we will cook such bread only for the sake of experiment!


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