Why you need to salt not eggs, but the oil on which it is fried
Some people treat the kitchen as a sacred place. The mystery of cooking is a kind of ritual. The dish will be successful only if certain conditions are met. An experienced hostess is like a cult minister who knows exactly what and in what order you need to do so that each piece is divinely tasty!
I liked these. cookerySimple, but so effective! Pay attention to #6, I think it can be useful in many cases.
Culinary receptions
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I liked these. cookerySimple, but so effective! Pay attention to #6, I think it can be useful in many cases.
Culinary receptions
- It is. cold-water 15 minutes before preparing salads. He's losing his excessive stinginess!
- Before you start brewing coffee, add a pinch of salt, preferably sea, and a pinch of cinnamon. The drink will be fragrant! Delicious to prepare coffee with dried, ground into powder peel of lemon or orange.
- Add to the salads. table salt! This improves the taste of the dish several times, just try it. In addition, this salt is much healthier.
- Add salt to any salads at the last minute, right before serving! To make a dish of fresh vegetables taste better, add a pinch of sugar to it along with salt.
- The secret to the perfect cake is simple! Follow this rule: to prepare the dough, the amount of flour, eggs, butter and sugar in grams should be the same.
- Sure. add salt to the doughEven the sweet cake dough! A little salt in the dough will improve its quality: baking will keep its shape well, will be elastic and pleasant to taste.
- To prepare scrambleCook it not only in oil, but also on water. When the squirrel begins to freeze, pour a little water into the pan. The eggs will not burn from below, will be much healthier and more tender in taste.
- Balsamic vinegar Not only a great dressing for vegetable salads, Italian pasta and spicy marinade for meat. Try strawberries sprinkled with powdered sugar and sprinkled with a few drops of fragrant vinegar - incredibly tasty. Other fruits also go well with balsamic vinegar, worth experimenting with!
- Cutlets will be juicy and very tasty if added to mince instead of bread breadcrumbs.
- Dry the pieces of meat before roasting: crispy blush crust provided!
- Be sure to add to the baking a little alcohol: vodka, rum, cognac. This trick will make the dough crisp and fragrant!
- If you don’t like beans, try stewing them in beer! Together with roasted meat and vegetables, such beans will be surprisingly appetizing.
- If you lubricate the meat 2-3 hours before cooking with mustard, it will turn out very juicy! You can also sprinkle meat 1 hour before cooking with salt, let it stand, and then rinse with cold water.
- Try adding a pinch of soda to the cooled, bitter tea. Together with lemon, mint and cinnamon, this drink is transformed and will brighten up a hot summer day! In addition, soda helps to cleanse the kidneys.
- Always mine and wipe the knives dry immediately after use: the blades will not be dull for very long.
741050 - Soda will soften even very hard meat! Mound some white powder on raw meat before cooking, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. You will be amazed at the softness of the cooked dish!
- Serve to the table hot dishes in pre-heated dishes in the oven, and cold ones in dishes chilled in the refrigerator. This will significantly improve the taste of all dishes!
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In a week's time, the pants will come off! Fat tummy and sides will disappear, enough on an empty stomach ...
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