Antidote: cancel the narrowing of the vessels of the brain! Sip 25 drops and the headache goes missing.

Frequent weather changes, stuffy rooms, stressful situations are just a small list of factors that lead to headaches. It is sad, but every one of us faces this problem from time to time. Whatever the cause of the pain, it is not tolerated. What do we do?

The first thing that comes to mind is to take a headache pill. But have you noticed that after some time they either stop giving the desired effect, or become addictive, and in some cases even aggravate the situation?

In this regard, we would like to recommend you headache-killerIt just has a lightning effect. And most importantly, its composition is absolutely natural and safe! Look below and see for yourself.

Remedy for headache Ingredients
  • 100ml tincture of eucalyptus
  • 100ml valerian tincture
  • 100ml motherwort tincture
  • 100ml hawthorn tincture
  • 50ml tincture of evasive peony
  • 50ml peppermint tincture
  • 10 inflorescences of cloves
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 10g ground ginger

Mix all ingredients in a glass container of dark color, close tightly with a lid. Insist in a dark place for 25 days, shake the contents from time to time.

Then strain and pour into bottles with a dispenser.

Application Take this healing headache 25 drops 2 times a day - in the morning and evening. Soon you will notice its beneficial effect on the body and forget what it is. persistent headaches.

Share the recipe with your friends! And also tell us in the comments about your methods of dealing with headaches.


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