Doctor Says “Don’t Eat These 13 Foods, They Steal Youth”
A healthy diet will preserve the beauty of the skin and slow down the aging process. It is only necessary to limit the consumption of a certain food, and noticeable changes in appearance will immediately appear. Dangerous foodstuffs They steal your youth, your beauty, your health! Remember them and use them less. Better yet, rule it out!
Dangerous foods should be eaten less!
Hazardous food products It really hurts us and we need to do something about it. How do you eat? Tell us in the comments. I sincerely wish you health and beauty!
Dangerous foods should be eaten less!
- salt
Salt is a trickster in taste buds, causing us to eat more food than we need. Salt causes skin dehydration and premature aging.
What do I do? Avoid consuming too salty dishes. Replace salt with spices! Dried greens, celery, garlic, coriander, oregano, cumin, soy sauce, lemon juice... You can experiment with the taste of dishes and at the same time eat only useful products! - sugar
Sugar destroys bones, spoils skin and hair. Once in the body, it literally pulls calcium from the bones, deprives your body of useful trace elements!
What do I do? Replace sugar with natural honey and dried fruits, stop eating openly chemical sweets. For the sake of beauty, you should limit yourself! - Alcohol
Dehydrates the skin and the whole body, bringing it to a terrible state. Depriving you of your precious vitamin C!
What do I do? Control the consumption of any alcoholic beverages. Remember that the systematic use of alcohol is the key to problems with the face and body in the future. - Yeast bread
It provokes various fungal infections, disrupts digestive processes, is the cause of excess weight.
What do I do? Replace shop bread with homemade bread. It is advisable to prepare yeastless bread. - Coffee.
Dehydrates the body, while disrupting the work of the kidneys. Ugly bags under the eyes, swelling in the morning - what can be a real punishment for a coffee drinker.
What do I do? Replace the coffee with chicory. If you drink coffee for an invigorating effect, there is dried lemongrass, which increases blood pressure. This is the most useful natural stimulant! - Tea
It's as dehydrating as coffee! Harmful strong black tea, causing disruptions in the digestive system.
What do I do? Drink herbal teas, brew an infusion of dried fruits. Drink water with lemon juice and honey. - Trans fats
Vegetable fats are everywhere: in oil, in margarine, mayonnaise, cookies, cakes. Trans fats are not absorbed by the body, it simply does not know what to do with them. Often these substances cause metabolic disorders and contribute to the gain of excess weight.
What do I do? Avoid buying only homemade butter. - Red meat
Any store meat should be eaten in moderation because it is a heavy product. The liver experiences a huge load, digesting meat bought in the supermarket. Because it contains so many impurities and hormones!
What do I do? Eat meat moderately, buying only a proven product, better - in the market, not in the store. - vinegar
Harmful to the kidneys product, it also causes disorders in various internal organs. Marinade for kebabs made with vinegar, mushrooms with vinegar, pickles ... It's junk food!
What do I do? Do not use vinegar in gas stations and marinades. If used, only apple cider vinegar. - Potatoes
Starch in its pure form, in the case of fried potatoes - starch, fat and salt. To understand why potatoes are bad for beauty, you need to remember how much you want to drink water after consuming this product.
What do I do? Eat less potatoes in any form. If you really want, it is better to cook potatoes for a couple. - fast food
A real poison! So much salt, sugar and harmful additives is not anywhere else. Food from fast food causes not only withering of the skin, but also disrupts the hormonal balance. Eat a delicious hamburger and you lose your taste for life.
What do I do? Cook your own analogues, using useful products: lavash, fruits, vegetables, low-fat meat, soy sauce. - Carbonated drinks
A lot of sugar, dyes, empty calories - all this negatively affects the work of the liver and other organs.
What do I do? Stop using, drink compote, natural freshly squeezed juice, water with lemon and honey. - Smoked food
Artificial flavorings contained in smoked products kill the liver, negatively affect the condition of the skin.
What do I do? Never use them for food.
Hazardous food products It really hurts us and we need to do something about it. How do you eat? Tell us in the comments. I sincerely wish you health and beauty!
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