Why Grandmother Is Nice to Work in the Garden

They stop working only in the wintertimeThis is the most difficult period for them. How to survive this time and start a movement that gives even a little, but joy? We are talking about gardeners, older people who spend all their time on the beds from the moment the snow melts to the moment when it falls again.

Editorial "Site" Trying to figure it out again, Why hope is important to people And what he's willing to do to keep going. The symbol of this movement was for us grandmother Valya, a woman of quite advanced years. When asked about his age, he only waved his hand, I don’t remember. She again cheerfully grabs the hood and goes to process the garden.

It is already difficult to cope with a shovel, so only hurls last year’s beds, plants the most unpretentious: carrots, onions, beets, all sorts of greens. Her grandsons help her, insist that she work less. At her age, you need to rest more, and not rush around the garden.


They provide grandmother Valya to everyone, they bring her from the store by car, the washing machine is installed, the refrigerator is new with a TV - enjoy life and do not think about anything. Moreover, the beds will help to dig. It is clear that there are infrequently, after all, work, children, busyness.

Grandmother Valya, however, says that the store is all chemical. Is it your business, nurtured with love, clean, healthy? He does not like to talk for a long time, he runs his dill to thin out. At the same time, it is clear that it is not easy for her: she will work for an hour and go to the house to relax. He lays down, gets back to work.

All the neighbors say to her, “Grandma Valya, why are you bothering yourself?” My back hurts and my hands hurt. Says he can't just leave the land, that's unwise. In the TV all day staring sick, and so grandchildren all winter fresh carrots. And if you do not follow the garden, the paths for the season will grow completely grass!

It's becoming clear that it's not vegetables that matter to Grandma Wali, it's not beds. She does not want to be a burden to anyone, on the contrary, she wants to help at least with one apple. It's always divided between zucchini and parsley. Always take, do not refuse, it is nice to see how it pleases her, and therefore gives strength. Sees she needs her work.

Here. Why is it important to help To the elderly, do not give up their little gifts. This is life for them, and it is good for us to follow their example. Life must be kept alive, even if the goals seem insignificant. But as long as others need you, there's an incentive. Share this encouraging article with your friends and write in the comments everything you think about people like Grandma Valya.


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