How to maximize the use of space in the country

Neighbor, of course, a fan of the garden, every piece of land he uses. Even in the basement lights, and there is something growing. I'm not talking about roofs. I don't think it's just in the house, but the shed's got all sorts of stuff in it. There are boxes and containers on the walls, closer to the sun. In short, a man knows, line upA normal harvest is harvested, the whole year feeds on its own.

He infected everyone. My wife is tired of fighting him off, they say that in my garden it is so good. But Aunt Manya is completely under the influence, and since she is a decorator by profession, she looks everything chic: she not only plants tomatoes and beans, but also plants a lot of flowers. However, the roof flatly refuses to cultivate. Editorial "Site" I would love to tell you how Aunt Money is doing.

How to make beds with your own hands
  1. Containers.
    Deep vases and even old plastic basins. When the plot is small and there is little suitable land on it, everything goes into effect. A few nuances that need to be taken into account. First, you need to bring a few bags of good land, secondly, containers will have to be watered abundantly, especially on hot days, and thirdly, nothing large to grow. For strawberries or dill with parsley option. Flowers also feel good in containers.

  2. Barrels
    The same container, but much better. Places a lot of land, the roots are free, does not require much water. Among other things, the ground in the barrel is usually warmer. It's great to grow cucumbers. Nuances: it is quite difficult to find the barrel itself, such things do not just lie on the street. Either you have to buy, or look for other options, how and where to get.

  3. Cascades
    This option is more suitable for flowers and will require a lot of containers. But, in addition to petunias, on such cascades you can try to grow dwarf tomatoes like “pygmy” or “buttons”. Basil will also feel good here: firstly, it grows perfectly in symbiosis with the tomato, and secondly, it is heat-loving and drought-resistant.

  4. Suspension pots
    Another type of container approach to growing a variety of vegetation. The main difficulty is watering. You need either a flexible hose with a sprayer or strong hands. If watered by hand, excellent fitness is guaranteed.

  5. Trees.
    If there are a couple of trees on the site, then they can be used as supports for growing a small pumpkin. You can try to arrange cucumbers in the same way, but this is more theory than practice. In any case, everything that curls, you can "leap" on the tree.

  6. Fence.
    This is the next thought that comes from the previous paragraph. Often the fence in the country is of two types: net and picket. With a net fence, beans and peas will be perfectly friendly, you can also “wilt” it with decorative varieties of flowers. On the picket, if quite strong, you can arrange balcony containers, which will also give a small increase in the beds.

  7. Temporary beds
    The case when the bed is literally created with your own hands. It is based on firewood or other unnecessary wood, then a layer of earth, a layer of humus, organic matter (manure, droppings, cut grass), if it was possible to get it, and again a layer of earth. This bed is suitable for one season and is characterized by high mobility, it can be located anywhere on your site.

  8. Compost heap
    If such "lives" you somewhere behind the barn, then it can be used as a garden object. It can easily grow anything, for example, pumpkin or cucumbers. Flowers will also take root on the compost, so you can decorate the most unpresentable pile. 563368

Editorial tips
  1. For growing cucumbers, a thick one is perfect. plastic-gridIt can be stretched in some convenient place quite tightly. If there are rose arches along the tracks, then you can use them too.
  2. Cardboard boxes (such as shoes) can also act as containers. We did not make them a separate item because of the shortevity. But if the cardboard is quite dense and tightened with such a versatile bonder as scotch, then the container can last a whole season. Important: Try not to use too much painted-boxIt can be harmful. For a fortress, you can insert several boxes into one. 631986

  3. Carefully approach the question of what you will plant on your beds: it is better to read what is written on the package with seeds than to follow the lead of a cunning seller. Now there are varieties that feel great in the open ground, while they are quite compact: bush cucumbers and tomatoes, cone-shaped cabbage and so on. Remember that some species of plants coexist well with each other. For example, onions and carrots, pumpkin and beans.

This is where Aunt Mani’s helpful guide comes to an end. We advise you to think ahead plottingYou could even make a plan. Be sure to share this article with friends, and in the comments describe the ways that we have overlooked. We wish you a great harvest!


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