Why You Should Do Yoga at Home
To prevent coronavirusThe authorities of different countries had to resort to quarantine. Instead of succumbing to fear of infection or neglecting safety measures, I chose to spend some time in home isolation.
In quarantine I did yoga at home to keep myself in good shape, and most importantly, to strengthen the immune system. In addition, exercise improves mood and prevents internal panic. I checked on myself!
Yoga classes at home today "Site" Have prepared for you, dear reader, a selection of exercises that will give wellness and a slim figure. This is especially true for women after 50!
I also suggest you watch these videos. They are short, but quite simple, understandable and give good results!
And this kriya yoga is a high-level immunotherapy. virus-attack and bacteria!
I also suggest you familiarize yourself with the exercise, which in one fell swoop will help get rid of stress, anxiety, and also relieve pain in the back. I practice every morning!
Exercise in the morning to recharge for the whole day!
Note that if you have not been involved in sports before, then you need to start gradually, dosing the load. Be sure to try to start doing this. exerciseTo strengthen your body and emotional state. Be healthy and positive, everything will be fine!
In quarantine I did yoga at home to keep myself in good shape, and most importantly, to strengthen the immune system. In addition, exercise improves mood and prevents internal panic. I checked on myself!

Yoga classes at home today "Site" Have prepared for you, dear reader, a selection of exercises that will give wellness and a slim figure. This is especially true for women after 50!
- Always start. breathing-exercise. Sit in the lotus position or in Turkish, connect your palms at chest level or put them on your knees. Slowly breathe in your nose and breathe out your mouth. Breathe according to this scheme: 4 counts breathe, 4 counts hold your breath and 8 counts exhale. Run for about 60 seconds.
- And this exercise has a beneficial effect on the spinal nerves, helps to cope with stress, relieves abdominal pain (including menstrual). Stand up straight and bring your legs together. On inhalation, slowly lower the body down, trying to put your hands on both sides of the feet. Hold at the bottom for 30 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat about 7-10 times.
- Cobra posture strengthens all the muscles of the back, aligning the spine, improves the work of all internal organs, especially the liver and kidneys, and stimulates appetite and improves digestion. Lie on your stomach and press your palms into the floor at shoulder level (elbows pressed to the torso, forehead touches the floor, legs squeezed together). Now, on inhalation, start slowly lifting your head up first, and then the chest.
In the end, you should be on outstretched arms. The back should be bent, the chest open, and the shoulders drawn down and back. Linger at the top point for half a minute and slowly descend to the starting position. Repeat the exercise about 5-7 times. - The posture of the camel tones the whole body, develops confidence in their abilities. By strengthening the muscles of the trunk, neck, arms, chest, abdominal press and hips is indispensable for those who work sitting. Improves blood circulation and relieves slouching. From the sitting position (buttocks on the heels), kneel and put your feet on your socks. Place your hands on the areas of the sacrum with your fingers up and push the pelvis forward, simultaneously reducing the shoulder blades and opening the chest up. Get used to this position, at the same time move your hands on your heels.
Take a deep breath and exhale to direct the hips forward to the end, opening the chest up as much as possible. In the absence of problems with the cervical spine, take your head back, reach for the floor with your crown. Exit from the posture of the camel should be carried out as follows: pull the chin to the chest and due to strong legs simultaneously raise both hands and return the body to an upright position, seat the pelvis on the heels. - My daughter really likes the table. When my husband or I do this exercise, she always tries to get on our backs. Stand on all fours so that the hips and arms are perpendicular to the body. Extend your left arm and right leg forward. Pull your right foot back. Do the same with your other arm and leg. Being in this position several cycles of breathing, it will help to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the back.
- The dog head down is considered half-inverted, since in this position the head and heart are located below the pelvis. In this position, gravity acts in our favor, helping leukocytes spread freely throughout the body, clearing the sinuses. From the bar, raise the pelvis vertically up, without taking your hands off the floor. The main point is to stretch your back absolutely straight, so that an angle of 60 degrees is formed between the retracted abdomen and the hips (from the side it looks like an inverted letter V). Hold in this position for a minute, and then return to the original position, or better in the position of the child.
- And finally, the child's relaxing posture. Get on your knees, put your pelvis on your heels and put your forehead on the floor. Arms are freely placed on both sides of the body or stretch forward, which will add a stretch of the back. Close your eyes, calm your breath, and let go of all thoughts. Stay in this position as long as you want.
I also suggest you watch these videos. They are short, but quite simple, understandable and give good results!
And this kriya yoga is a high-level immunotherapy. virus-attack and bacteria!
I also suggest you familiarize yourself with the exercise, which in one fell swoop will help get rid of stress, anxiety, and also relieve pain in the back. I practice every morning!
Exercise in the morning to recharge for the whole day!
Note that if you have not been involved in sports before, then you need to start gradually, dosing the load. Be sure to try to start doing this. exerciseTo strengthen your body and emotional state. Be healthy and positive, everything will be fine!