The ex-husband many years later drew on the horizon and voiced a strange proposal

Sometimes people from the past just appear in our lives. And this often leads to some anxiety. Today’s story is about an ex-husband who returns to a woman’s life, creating unnecessary problems.

Editorial "Site" She shares her story with you and asks you for wise advice.

When I was 25, I got married. We had crazy love. I thought it was for life. A year after the wedding, we had a son. Life seemed magical. It was a couple of years and then the story was over. My husband began to lie to me, and then openly cheat. I didn’t want my son to grow up without a father. But at one point, patience ran out.

I went back to my parents with a 5-year-old child. Oleg was not particularly upset, he quickly found a new lady. After the divorce, he went abroad and never showed up again. I haven't spoken to my son. He disappeared from our lives for 20 years. I raised my son alone and my parents died early.

My son Anton after school went to university in another city. All this time he lived there, rented an apartment. I helped him all I could. However, their housing alone did not work. But he never blamed me for that. He said he'd figure it out.

But things have changed recently. My son decided to get married. With work now problems, because renting an apartment has become more difficult. He often complained that he did not have a home. It was only recently that I realized the reason for these complaints. I found out that his grief father showed up in town. I don't know how they found each other, but now they're communicating. I haven't heard from my ex-husband in 20 years. Oh, my God, I wish I hadn't announced as many more.

He instilled in his son the idea that he would give the young a two-bedroom apartment, which he inherited from his parents. There is only one condition: I must marry him again and let him live in my apartment. My son has come to ask me for this. He says I'm alone after the divorce and never got along. Why live a life alone?

All these 20 years I had a great life. And now I don't need anyone. I remember when I was married, almost turned into a housekeeper while my husband was walking. Do I need it now? I have a smooth and comfortable life. I told my son that, but Anton was offended. I started screaming that I didn't think about him at all. Not when she left her husband, not now.

Those words really hurt me. All my life I tried to invest everything in my son. And now he comes to me with absurd requests and is offended that I refuse. Am I right? What should I do and how should I reconcile with my son?

The editorial opinion is a very strange situation, which is difficult to understand. It is not clear why the husband should return to his ex-wife. Apparently, he never found happiness, and now he hopes to return to his former love. Or just looking for a comfortable place to not meet old age alone. In any case, a woman should not agree to this. And you need to talk frankly with your son about this and clarify the whole situation. Anton should hardly have said such offensive words to his mother.

What do you think about that?


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