Inexpensive purchases that made the life of an elderly person paradise
You’ve probably noticed that some of the simplest things make our daily lives so much easier and more enjoyable.
Thousands of Reddit users shared their findings in a separate topic. And we want to introduce a list of inexpensive and extremely useful household items for our readers.
The simplest things
Full spectrum light bulbs or at least very bright. In winter, my motivation and energy levels reach their limits, and imitating too much daylight has a huge impact on my ability to function. jglitterary / Reddit is the right pillow. Most of them are too soft, lose their fluff, become bumpy and so on. Find a pillow that will make you wake up without neck pain. MostlyChaoticNeutral / Reddit Watch with a silent alarm clock Instead of waking up from something unpleasant, I just get a buzz in my wrist. I use alarm clocks to watch my chores, take breaks, do housework. I'm honestly amazed at how much better my life is with them. chicklette / Reddit This has already been mentioned a few times, but physical movement is 100% free. I'm getting older, I'm working at the office desk, I'm not eating well. He started walking around the block from lunch, moved on to long walks after work and got up early to jog. It didn't happen overnight in any way, actually months, but I feel better, more energy, vigor in step and it didn't cost me anything. maple33 / Reddit Photo albums and photos. A cheap photo album costs about $6, and printing a photo costs about 20 cents. Take a day and just print out all the old photos you can find on your computer. This is great not only for you, but also for the people who will live after you. So many people think that since we store everything online, there is no reason to print photos, but in fact some historians are beginning to call us the “lost generation” because many of the pictures taken are lost when we switch phones and lose account information in the cloud.
Tongue scraper. Most people have bad breath due to poor hygiene, but if you find that you have bad breath even after brushing your teeth, try using a tongue scraper to remove plaque from your tongue. And yes, this is VERY different from just using a toothbrush on your tongue, because the bristles are too soft to really erase everything. Bad breath is a killer in social interactions, so I believe it changes lives. ChaosConsumes / Reddit
Toilet nozzle. That's amazing. Clean, refreshing, much less toilet paper. You'll never come back. HazeyAutumnClouds / Reddit Smart Wi-Fi outlets to turn on and off lights or portable heaters remotely or using a timer. It really helps when you're not home to make people think you're home. Also, smart thermostats, the joy of returning home to a pre-heated or pre-air conditioned home is the best feeling. Wohv6 / Reddit
Our life is a constant struggle. And if there are little things that can make it a little more enjoyable, should they be neglected? Do you have any inexpensive and irreplaceable items that you can recommend to our readers?

Thousands of Reddit users shared their findings in a separate topic. And we want to introduce a list of inexpensive and extremely useful household items for our readers.
The simplest things
- Electrically heated blanket. It's bliss. I have pain in my joints and muscles, and I started to feel much better when I started "heating myself on low heat" at night. somefool/Reddit
- A good sharp cook knife will greatly simplify the preparation of food. Almuhn / Reddit
- Shoe horn. So simple and cheap that it instantly turns 5 seconds of the most annoying twists into a second maneuver. I'm surprised they seem to be out of fashion. hungryTurtle2 / Reddit
- Tight, cozy bath towel. Why waste all that kindness of soul just rubbing sandpaper after you go out? midnight11 / Reddit
- In a few weeks you will love it and in the blink of an eye your room will turn into a tropical jungle. Avooo-cadooo / Reddit
- Electric toothbrush is much better than usual. Brushing your teeth became easier. I used to feel tired brushing my teeth properly. nicknameedan / Reddit
- A new hobby. Most of them have very low barriers to entry. I started doing music and my ukelele and kalimba cost $60. I also started making d&d miniatures. Styrofoam, paint and more cost me $20. Find something cool you've always wanted to try and do it! antigem1 / Reddit
- I've always read about a 10-foot (3m) charging cable, but thought I'd never need one. Believe me, it's life-changing. Buy some 10-foot charging cables and you'll be able to use your phone in bed or while charging much easier. whiskeyweedwood / Reddit
- Swiss multifunctional knife Victorino Fieldmaster. Best money I've ever spent. I found myself using it every day for small home renovations, projects, opening letters and packages. Snoo63541 / Reddit
- Fitbit, or step counter. You really start moving more when you have something to track your stats. Take more than 10,000 steps a day and it will really change your life. newusernam3whodis / Reddit
- Flosser (interdental gap cleaner)! You will be amazed at how many food particles get stuck in your teeth even after brushing. They are much better at clearing the space between the gums, and your mouth will not look like a murder site. _usernametoolong_ / Reddit

Full spectrum light bulbs or at least very bright. In winter, my motivation and energy levels reach their limits, and imitating too much daylight has a huge impact on my ability to function. jglitterary / Reddit is the right pillow. Most of them are too soft, lose their fluff, become bumpy and so on. Find a pillow that will make you wake up without neck pain. MostlyChaoticNeutral / Reddit Watch with a silent alarm clock Instead of waking up from something unpleasant, I just get a buzz in my wrist. I use alarm clocks to watch my chores, take breaks, do housework. I'm honestly amazed at how much better my life is with them. chicklette / Reddit This has already been mentioned a few times, but physical movement is 100% free. I'm getting older, I'm working at the office desk, I'm not eating well. He started walking around the block from lunch, moved on to long walks after work and got up early to jog. It didn't happen overnight in any way, actually months, but I feel better, more energy, vigor in step and it didn't cost me anything. maple33 / Reddit Photo albums and photos. A cheap photo album costs about $6, and printing a photo costs about 20 cents. Take a day and just print out all the old photos you can find on your computer. This is great not only for you, but also for the people who will live after you. So many people think that since we store everything online, there is no reason to print photos, but in fact some historians are beginning to call us the “lost generation” because many of the pictures taken are lost when we switch phones and lose account information in the cloud.
Tongue scraper. Most people have bad breath due to poor hygiene, but if you find that you have bad breath even after brushing your teeth, try using a tongue scraper to remove plaque from your tongue. And yes, this is VERY different from just using a toothbrush on your tongue, because the bristles are too soft to really erase everything. Bad breath is a killer in social interactions, so I believe it changes lives. ChaosConsumes / Reddit

Toilet nozzle. That's amazing. Clean, refreshing, much less toilet paper. You'll never come back. HazeyAutumnClouds / Reddit Smart Wi-Fi outlets to turn on and off lights or portable heaters remotely or using a timer. It really helps when you're not home to make people think you're home. Also, smart thermostats, the joy of returning home to a pre-heated or pre-air conditioned home is the best feeling. Wohv6 / Reddit
Our life is a constant struggle. And if there are little things that can make it a little more enjoyable, should they be neglected? Do you have any inexpensive and irreplaceable items that you can recommend to our readers?
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