Frazy, who za years Twenty-nazad can easily zagremet in a psychiatric hospital
- Throw me the photos nA soap
- Throw me the money nA pipe
- Tonight my brains dokuplyu
- I kachayu elfa
- Plug Me zaryadku
- I'll be in the woods, but you call me
- I already ruka zamerzla you razgovarivat
- I sluchayno erased "War and Peace." They came again
- Damn, I can not get in the mail
- Yes you nA phone poschitay
- Day Twenty-five rubles I nA metro
- Ivana no houses, he armii. You call him.
- Throw me the money nA pipe
- Tonight my brains dokuplyu
- I kachayu elfa
- Plug Me zaryadku
- I'll be in the woods, but you call me
- I already ruka zamerzla you razgovarivat
- I sluchayno erased "War and Peace." They came again
- Damn, I can not get in the mail
- Yes you nA phone poschitay
- Day Twenty-five rubles I nA metro
- Ivana no houses, he armii. You call him.