How much water should you drink per day depending on your weight

It is no secret that the human body is 60-80% water. But few of us have thought about how important it is to support. water-balance. Most often we drink water when we are thirsty, but this is not the right approach.

"Site" cares about your health, so shares the secrets of calculating the daily allowance waterway.

To do this, you can use ready-made calculations, you just need to find your weight in the left column of the table.

If the table does not have your exact weight, use our formula to calculate the daily water value.
(weight ∗ 0.03) + (physical activity time in hours ∗ 0.4) = liters - for women
(weight ∗ 0.04) + (physical activity time in hours ∗ 0.6) = liters - for men

There are also additional factors that require an increase in the amount of water consumed.

Hot weather.
During the hot summer, you should add another 1-2 glasses of water to your daily norm.


Cold diseases
A large amount of warm fluid contributes to the speedy recovery and removal of toxins from the body.


Add another glass of water to your daily allowance. Remember that in this special period, the body really needs a good metabolism.



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