The family was on the verge of divorce, but thanks to video therapy came the second honeymoon
Experts are sure: family therapy It can save a marriage from divorce. And it is not always necessary to sit for hours in the office with a psychologist and tell him about his problems. Editorial "So Simple!" I am in a hurry to tell you about a very unusual kind of family therapy. It's definitely worth your attention!
Today we would like to discuss with you an unexpected topic. How family video Can it help solve the problem of divorce in modern society and become one of the tools of family preservation?
Divorces only get bigger every year. Over the past year alone, their total number in the world has increased by 25%. Some states are trying to solve the problem by complicating divorce proceedings. But these measures can only worsen the situation.
In addition, it should be noted that the statistics do not include couples who live separately. Such spouses are considered married. A comprehensive and balanced approach is needed to address this problem.
According to statistics, the main causes of divorce are traditionally family conflicts, various dependencies and systematic infidelity. The main reason, in our opinion, is Lack of understanding between spouses. Conflicts, infidelities and addictions are only a consequence of mental and psychological problems.
Psychologists and family relations specialists try to teach people to listen and hear each other. But they are faced with stereotypes that do not allow to cope with it. The first and most common myth is: “Only unbalanced people turn to psychologists.” Second, no less important: “I don’t believe these conversations will help us.”
In the first case, educational and explanatory work can help. But it's a long and complicated process. With the second stereotype, psychologists work independently, finding new methods of psychotherapy. These methods include, for example, play therapy. Couples play games together and analyze childhood traumas and problems with an adult mind.
There is also stage therapy. The couple plays scenes from life and theatrical sketches, and then together with a psychologist analyzes their emotions and experiences. This kind of psychotherapy allows you to break persistent stereotypes.
Videotherapy is another new type of family psychotherapy. It evolved out of stage therapy, but has gone much further. We managed to communicate with couples who successfully used the new technique, as well as with one of its founders, videographer Natalia Kleinotskaya.
In general, video therapy is a special kind of psychological training, which is jointly conducted by a videographer and a psychologist. The videographer shoots in pre-created conditions and according to a certain scenario. This shooting can be both individual (working with self-esteem, fear of public speaking), and paired, when the couple perform some joint actions. And as a result, receives a full video clip of this story.
The choice of time and place depends on the scenario. For example, you can shoot scenes from the everyday life of a married couple. Or withdraw joint preparation for a holiday or a family dinner. This is a video about collaboration and mutual assistance. For this purpose, an appropriate room or studio is selected.
It is also possible to shoot the interaction of parents and children, joint games, learning new things, sports. The task of the videographer is to capture communication and mutual help within the family, look at people’s lives as if from the outside and show them themselves in a good light.
Individual photography is different from steam. In this case, as a rule, a person tries himself in a video clip in a new role. For example, in the role of a successful businessman with the indispensable attributes of big business: expensive cars, travel, hotels and meetings. Girls are more likely to seek to reveal in video clips of their “I”, a demonstration of inner freedom and independence.
After the completion of the filming stage, a professional psychologist for a long time analyzes the relationship of a married couple based on a video clip shot by a videographer.
Almost all couples who have undergone video therapy noted a completely new and interesting experience that gave them the opportunity to look at themselves and their partner from the outside, to discuss problems in the family less emotionally and more constructively.
The basis of human relationships is the ability to communicate with each other, the ability to see the good and bright sides in relationships. We are convinced that the emergence of new methods and tools to preserve and protect the family is an important milestone in the development of society as a whole.
I wonder what you think about that? Would you agree to video therapy?
Date of publication: 5 September 2022

Today we would like to discuss with you an unexpected topic. How family video Can it help solve the problem of divorce in modern society and become one of the tools of family preservation?
Divorces only get bigger every year. Over the past year alone, their total number in the world has increased by 25%. Some states are trying to solve the problem by complicating divorce proceedings. But these measures can only worsen the situation.

In addition, it should be noted that the statistics do not include couples who live separately. Such spouses are considered married. A comprehensive and balanced approach is needed to address this problem.
According to statistics, the main causes of divorce are traditionally family conflicts, various dependencies and systematic infidelity. The main reason, in our opinion, is Lack of understanding between spouses. Conflicts, infidelities and addictions are only a consequence of mental and psychological problems.
Psychologists and family relations specialists try to teach people to listen and hear each other. But they are faced with stereotypes that do not allow to cope with it. The first and most common myth is: “Only unbalanced people turn to psychologists.” Second, no less important: “I don’t believe these conversations will help us.”

In the first case, educational and explanatory work can help. But it's a long and complicated process. With the second stereotype, psychologists work independently, finding new methods of psychotherapy. These methods include, for example, play therapy. Couples play games together and analyze childhood traumas and problems with an adult mind.
There is also stage therapy. The couple plays scenes from life and theatrical sketches, and then together with a psychologist analyzes their emotions and experiences. This kind of psychotherapy allows you to break persistent stereotypes.
Videotherapy is another new type of family psychotherapy. It evolved out of stage therapy, but has gone much further. We managed to communicate with couples who successfully used the new technique, as well as with one of its founders, videographer Natalia Kleinotskaya.

In general, video therapy is a special kind of psychological training, which is jointly conducted by a videographer and a psychologist. The videographer shoots in pre-created conditions and according to a certain scenario. This shooting can be both individual (working with self-esteem, fear of public speaking), and paired, when the couple perform some joint actions. And as a result, receives a full video clip of this story.
The choice of time and place depends on the scenario. For example, you can shoot scenes from the everyday life of a married couple. Or withdraw joint preparation for a holiday or a family dinner. This is a video about collaboration and mutual assistance. For this purpose, an appropriate room or studio is selected.

It is also possible to shoot the interaction of parents and children, joint games, learning new things, sports. The task of the videographer is to capture communication and mutual help within the family, look at people’s lives as if from the outside and show them themselves in a good light.
Individual photography is different from steam. In this case, as a rule, a person tries himself in a video clip in a new role. For example, in the role of a successful businessman with the indispensable attributes of big business: expensive cars, travel, hotels and meetings. Girls are more likely to seek to reveal in video clips of their “I”, a demonstration of inner freedom and independence.
After the completion of the filming stage, a professional psychologist for a long time analyzes the relationship of a married couple based on a video clip shot by a videographer.
Almost all couples who have undergone video therapy noted a completely new and interesting experience that gave them the opportunity to look at themselves and their partner from the outside, to discuss problems in the family less emotionally and more constructively.

The basis of human relationships is the ability to communicate with each other, the ability to see the good and bright sides in relationships. We are convinced that the emergence of new methods and tools to preserve and protect the family is an important milestone in the development of society as a whole.
I wonder what you think about that? Would you agree to video therapy?
Date of publication: 5 September 2022
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