Yevgeny Klopotenko teaches young housewives to marinate cucumbers correctly, good advice

Homemade pickles They should be in every house. There are quite simple and easy recipes, so even housewives without experience can cope. This interesting method of marinade was presented by the famous Ukrainian cook Evgeny Klopotenko. Let’s quickly understand what this recipe is unusual and unique.

Peels Homemade pickled cucumbers Evgeny Klopotenko advises pickles, adding a small amount jar. Any hay can be taken. Perhaps it was prepared in the dacha for small animals. Or as an option, hay can be bought at a pet store. Rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters crunch with enthusiasm. But while pickling cucumbers, a pinch of hay will add a unique herbal aroma.

The famous cook Klopotenko emphasizes two important points on which the duration of storage of cucumbers depends. Firstly, for brine should be used exclusively salt. Iodized or marine for this recipe is categorically not suitable.

These types of salt can accelerate the reproduction of different bacteria in the jar. And if it was poorly sterilized, it risks exploding or simply spoiling. Both options are extremely bad. In addition, Klopotenko advises to fill the banks with brine almost completely. It will be better when a little brine spills. The risk of air inside the jar is minimal. Accordingly, conservation should live longer.

Peels Crunchy Cucumbers in the Hay Ingredients
  • 1kg cucumber
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 liter of water
  • plume
  • cherry-leave
  • currants
  • 2 tbsp vinegar (9%)
  • dill
  • carnation
  • pepperpea
  • bay-leaf

Unusual home pickled cucumbers Preparation
  1. Cucumbers thoroughly washed and pour cold water for 2-3 hours. This way they will become more crispy and get rid of the chemistry that may have accumulated on their skin. After removing the cucumbers from the water, cut their tips. Besides, it is. sterilize any convenient way. The main thing is that by the time the vegetables are preserved, they have already dry.
  2. At the bottom of each jar, place a little hay, cherry leaves, currants, laurel, dill umbrellas. Next, fill the jar with cucumbers, gradually stirring them with cloves of garlic, pepper peas and cloves. Cucumbers should fit in the jar tightly enough.


Water for marinade is pre-boiled and pour the necessary amount of liquid into each jar, covering the cucumbers with a lid. Let the cans stand for 5 minutes, and then drain everything from the cans. Then boil a new portion of boiling water and pour them cucumbers in jars for 15 minutes. This marinade should not be poured into the sink, but into a small pot or pot. Add salt and sugar to the pan, wait for them to dissolve completely. Pour the vinegar into the pan and immediately remove the marinade from the fire. Pour the liquid into the jars and close them. Homemade pickles Refrigerate at room temperature and then move to a cold place.

An ideal storage location pickles It can be a cool basement or cellar. It is dark and the optimum temperature is always maintained. This will allow for longer conservation. However, it is worth saying that cucumbers are really delicious. Hay will add a unique smell and taste. Banks are at risk of not lasting until winter, because vegetables are easy to get carried away and eat everything at once.


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