Healer Panteleimon prepared for us many miracles on August 9
Great Martyr Panteleimon He was a great healer. The gift of God allowed the physician to heal the needy free of charge. He was able to convince people to believe in Christ. The name of Pantoleon (as the saint was called before baptism) is associated with many miraculous stories. And very soon, on August 9, Orthodox Christians will come to the church to honor his memory. What traditions and signs are associated with this day, you will learn in today's article.
Instagram / @doctor_razinkov Great Martyr Panteleimon Life Panteleimon can hardly be called typical. His father was a pagan and his mother a Christian. At first she raised her son according to her religion. But when the boy was young, the woman was gone. Then his father took him, giving the child to a pagan school.
Soon the young Pantoleon began to study medicine and at the same time learned more and more about Christianity. He was able to believe in Jesus Christ when he prayed for his help to save a child who was bitten by a snake. The boy survived, and the healer decided to be baptized.
The saint began to treat people and prisoners in prison free of charge, and the emperor Maximian did not like it. Panteleimon then offered him a test to defend his faith. The test was to heal a seriously ill person. The pagan priests failed to do this. But the healer again turned to Christ and managed to give the patient relief.
After that, many people believed in Christ. And the emperor was furious. He ordered Panteleimon to be tortured in every possible way. But none of them gave the desired result. Then Maximian decided to cut off the saint’s head.
Panteleimon began to pray. And a voice from heaven called him into the kingdom of heaven. Only then did the healer tell the soldiers that the order could be carried out. His head was cut off and milk flowed from it. The saint's body was thrown into a fire. But it didn't burn. Christians betrayed the deceased.
Since then, in the Orthodox Church Panteleimon is revered not only as a great healer, but also as the patron saint of soldiers. The day of remembrance according to the Julian calendar was July 27, or August 9 according to our calendar.
On this day, parishioners visit the church and pray to the saint. They ask him for good health and healing from severe ailments. Here is an example of a prayer that can be read in the temple.
“O great servant of Christ, passion-bearer and multimerciful doctor, Panteleimone!” Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my lamentation and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Doctor of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, that he may grant me healing from my oppressive illness.
Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man, visit me with a graceful visit, do not abhor my sinful plagues, anoint me with the oil of your mercy and heal me; yes, healthy in soul and body, the remnant of my days, the grace of God, I will be able to hold in repentance and pleasing God, and I will be able to receive the good end of my life. Oh, God's goodness! Pray to Christ God, that by your exposition he may grant me health to my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.
Since ancient times, on the day of the memory of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, it is customary to collect medicinal herbs, while saying a prayer. People also collected berries to make them useful jam for the winter.
According to legend, on August 9, people plucked cabbage from the bed of the head and prepared nutritious pies from it. Vegetables gave strength and strengthened health. In addition, Christians used to believe that a child born on this day would have the same healing powers as Panteleimon.
Great Martyr Panteleimon: prohibitions on the day of remembrance With the day of remembrance of the saint is associated with many restrictions. For example, it was forbidden to work with hay. People were afraid that Panteleimon would get angry and burn him. Any work with wheat and bread was prohibited. Everyone was afraid to go into the field. Not only could it be affected, but also a person.
On August 9, you should not bake homemade bread. If on this day during a walk you meet a large number of insects, then the cold is close. Another sign says that abundant morning dew is a sure sign of warm autumn. But if cabbage heads curl strongly, then autumn will, on the contrary, be cold and rainy.
Prayer to the Great Martyr Panteleimon Undoubtedly go to church on August 9. Almost the memory of the Great Martyr Panteleimon and read a prayer for health and healing. Share the text below.
O great saint of Christ and the most glorious curator, the great martyr Panteleimon, stand before the throne of God in heaven and enjoy the tripostasy of His glory, but rest on the earth in the divine temples and give various miracles of grace from above!
See with your merciful eye the upcoming people and the most honest of your icon praying graciously and asking for healing help and intercession from you, extend warm prayers to the Lord our God and ask for forgiveness of sins to our souls.
For we, for our iniquities, who dare not raise our eyes in the height of heaven, below raise up a voice of prayer to His inaccessible glory in the Godhead, broken in heart and humbled in spirit, the intercessor of mercy to the Lord and the prayergiver for our sins, call upon you, for you have received grace from Him to drive away sickness and passion to heal.
We ask you for help: do not despise us unworthy, who pray to you and your help, be a comforter to us in sorrow, a doctor who is fiercely guarding in evils, a quick protector who attacks, a giver who is infirm of insight, who sucks and a baby into sickness the most prepared progenitor and healer; come to all who are useful to salvation, as if she received grace and mercy to the Lord God by her prayers, who is glorified by the Holy Father and the Holy Spirit in all ages, and the Holy Spirit in the present day and in the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May God take care of you!

Instagram / @doctor_razinkov Great Martyr Panteleimon Life Panteleimon can hardly be called typical. His father was a pagan and his mother a Christian. At first she raised her son according to her religion. But when the boy was young, the woman was gone. Then his father took him, giving the child to a pagan school.
Soon the young Pantoleon began to study medicine and at the same time learned more and more about Christianity. He was able to believe in Jesus Christ when he prayed for his help to save a child who was bitten by a snake. The boy survived, and the healer decided to be baptized.

The saint began to treat people and prisoners in prison free of charge, and the emperor Maximian did not like it. Panteleimon then offered him a test to defend his faith. The test was to heal a seriously ill person. The pagan priests failed to do this. But the healer again turned to Christ and managed to give the patient relief.
After that, many people believed in Christ. And the emperor was furious. He ordered Panteleimon to be tortured in every possible way. But none of them gave the desired result. Then Maximian decided to cut off the saint’s head.

Panteleimon began to pray. And a voice from heaven called him into the kingdom of heaven. Only then did the healer tell the soldiers that the order could be carried out. His head was cut off and milk flowed from it. The saint's body was thrown into a fire. But it didn't burn. Christians betrayed the deceased.
Since then, in the Orthodox Church Panteleimon is revered not only as a great healer, but also as the patron saint of soldiers. The day of remembrance according to the Julian calendar was July 27, or August 9 according to our calendar.
On this day, parishioners visit the church and pray to the saint. They ask him for good health and healing from severe ailments. Here is an example of a prayer that can be read in the temple.
“O great servant of Christ, passion-bearer and multimerciful doctor, Panteleimone!” Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my lamentation and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Doctor of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, that he may grant me healing from my oppressive illness.

Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man, visit me with a graceful visit, do not abhor my sinful plagues, anoint me with the oil of your mercy and heal me; yes, healthy in soul and body, the remnant of my days, the grace of God, I will be able to hold in repentance and pleasing God, and I will be able to receive the good end of my life. Oh, God's goodness! Pray to Christ God, that by your exposition he may grant me health to my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.
Since ancient times, on the day of the memory of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, it is customary to collect medicinal herbs, while saying a prayer. People also collected berries to make them useful jam for the winter.
According to legend, on August 9, people plucked cabbage from the bed of the head and prepared nutritious pies from it. Vegetables gave strength and strengthened health. In addition, Christians used to believe that a child born on this day would have the same healing powers as Panteleimon.
Great Martyr Panteleimon: prohibitions on the day of remembrance With the day of remembrance of the saint is associated with many restrictions. For example, it was forbidden to work with hay. People were afraid that Panteleimon would get angry and burn him. Any work with wheat and bread was prohibited. Everyone was afraid to go into the field. Not only could it be affected, but also a person.

On August 9, you should not bake homemade bread. If on this day during a walk you meet a large number of insects, then the cold is close. Another sign says that abundant morning dew is a sure sign of warm autumn. But if cabbage heads curl strongly, then autumn will, on the contrary, be cold and rainy.
Prayer to the Great Martyr Panteleimon Undoubtedly go to church on August 9. Almost the memory of the Great Martyr Panteleimon and read a prayer for health and healing. Share the text below.
O great saint of Christ and the most glorious curator, the great martyr Panteleimon, stand before the throne of God in heaven and enjoy the tripostasy of His glory, but rest on the earth in the divine temples and give various miracles of grace from above!
See with your merciful eye the upcoming people and the most honest of your icon praying graciously and asking for healing help and intercession from you, extend warm prayers to the Lord our God and ask for forgiveness of sins to our souls.

For we, for our iniquities, who dare not raise our eyes in the height of heaven, below raise up a voice of prayer to His inaccessible glory in the Godhead, broken in heart and humbled in spirit, the intercessor of mercy to the Lord and the prayergiver for our sins, call upon you, for you have received grace from Him to drive away sickness and passion to heal.
We ask you for help: do not despise us unworthy, who pray to you and your help, be a comforter to us in sorrow, a doctor who is fiercely guarding in evils, a quick protector who attacks, a giver who is infirm of insight, who sucks and a baby into sickness the most prepared progenitor and healer; come to all who are useful to salvation, as if she received grace and mercy to the Lord God by her prayers, who is glorified by the Holy Father and the Holy Spirit in all ages, and the Holy Spirit in the present day and in the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May God take care of you!
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