Why St. George's Day in 2023 is so special and what miracles to expect
The Great Martyr George the Victorious is also known as George the Otter and St. Yuri. He helps to overcome the enemy and defeat evil on earth. All prayers and requests for a speedy victory with minimal losses were addressed to St. George the Victorious. The most auspicious day for prayer to the saint is May 6, because on this date believers honor the memory of the wonderworker and hold divine services in his honor in churches. It was on this day that he was martyred many years ago.
Editorial "Site" He will tell the legend of the Great Martyr, as well as tell you what you can and cannot do on this day.
According to legend, George dedicated himself to military service. But when the persecution of Christ’s followers began, he defended them. He was arrested and then tortured for a long time and demanded to renounce the Christian faith. Only George was miraculously healed every day and did not betray Christ. The executioners beheaded the invincible warrior because they could not defeat him otherwise. After his death, George was called the Victorious.
On a Christian holiday, one should visit the church, bow before the image of the saint and read a prayer so that the Great Martyr George the Victorious may be merciful, send healing, protect from the enemy and help to win. You can pray at home in front of the icon, showing the strength and sincerity of faith. Whether you read the text of the prayer or pray in your own words, the intercessor will surely hear the universal prayer for mercy and will send divine help.
Prayer to George the Victorious “Holy Great Martyr George!” I worship your name and your courageous deeds. I pray that you hear the words of God’s servant (name) and help me to protect my house from malice and negativity. Heal our souls from timidity, cast out fear from the most secret corners of our hearts. Strengthen our faith in righteous and just judgment, that you may take away evil from our house. The troubles and sorrows have entered the life of those who ask you. The house ceased to be a place of protection and rest from the labors of the righteous. With God’s help, become a warrior-protector of our family, raise your fair spear and drive out enemies and enemies! Amen!
Especially diligently pray to the holy mother for their children, so that the Great Martyr George the Victorious sent them his blessing, saved them from destruction and gave them a long life.
The parishioners of Yuri consecrate the brought bread with salt in the church, and then treat their loved ones to them. A piece of bread was shared with animals so that they did not get sick and gave birth. On this day, gifts are given to men - defenders in the family, congratulations on the namesake of Yuri, George, Anatoly, Alexander, Ivan and Valery.
With the arrival of the holiday, the peasants went out into the field and with the blessing of the priest began to sow the land. The tradition has been preserved: on May 6, gardeners sow cucumbers. It is believed that then there will be a good harvest of vegetables.
It is customary on this day to drive cattle to pasture for the first time. The owners escorted the cow to the meadow with a willow in their hands from Palm Sunday and believed that if you whip the cattle with a consecrated twig, then neither the evil eye nor disease will be afraid of it.
Bans on Yuri Day:
Notes for May 6:
We hope this holiday will be bright for you. May the saint hear sincere prayer, and true faith will help to win!

Editorial "Site" He will tell the legend of the Great Martyr, as well as tell you what you can and cannot do on this day.
According to legend, George dedicated himself to military service. But when the persecution of Christ’s followers began, he defended them. He was arrested and then tortured for a long time and demanded to renounce the Christian faith. Only George was miraculously healed every day and did not betray Christ. The executioners beheaded the invincible warrior because they could not defeat him otherwise. After his death, George was called the Victorious.

On a Christian holiday, one should visit the church, bow before the image of the saint and read a prayer so that the Great Martyr George the Victorious may be merciful, send healing, protect from the enemy and help to win. You can pray at home in front of the icon, showing the strength and sincerity of faith. Whether you read the text of the prayer or pray in your own words, the intercessor will surely hear the universal prayer for mercy and will send divine help.

Prayer to George the Victorious “Holy Great Martyr George!” I worship your name and your courageous deeds. I pray that you hear the words of God’s servant (name) and help me to protect my house from malice and negativity. Heal our souls from timidity, cast out fear from the most secret corners of our hearts. Strengthen our faith in righteous and just judgment, that you may take away evil from our house. The troubles and sorrows have entered the life of those who ask you. The house ceased to be a place of protection and rest from the labors of the righteous. With God’s help, become a warrior-protector of our family, raise your fair spear and drive out enemies and enemies! Amen!

Especially diligently pray to the holy mother for their children, so that the Great Martyr George the Victorious sent them his blessing, saved them from destruction and gave them a long life.
The parishioners of Yuri consecrate the brought bread with salt in the church, and then treat their loved ones to them. A piece of bread was shared with animals so that they did not get sick and gave birth. On this day, gifts are given to men - defenders in the family, congratulations on the namesake of Yuri, George, Anatoly, Alexander, Ivan and Valery.
With the arrival of the holiday, the peasants went out into the field and with the blessing of the priest began to sow the land. The tradition has been preserved: on May 6, gardeners sow cucumbers. It is believed that then there will be a good harvest of vegetables.
It is customary on this day to drive cattle to pasture for the first time. The owners escorted the cow to the meadow with a willow in their hands from Palm Sunday and believed that if you whip the cattle with a consecrated twig, then neither the evil eye nor disease will be afraid of it.

Bans on Yuri Day:
- You can not do needlework, pick up a comb or scissors.
- On this day it is forbidden to swear and swear, because lightning can kill.
- It is impossible to plan evil on a holiday and indulge in evil thoughts.
- It is a sin to deny help to those in need.
Notes for May 6:
- Rainy weather on Yuri promises an abundance of grass on pastures and a good harvest of grain.
- A lot of dew in the morning - a rich harvest of millet is expected.
- Windy and cloudy weather – this weather will be for a long time.
- Birds are flying high, warming is expected.

We hope this holiday will be bright for you. May the saint hear sincere prayer, and true faith will help to win!
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While I was working to provide for the family, the daughter completely out of hand, now I regret that I even decided to give birth to her.