If a man dreams of a son, he must obey the will of his wife.
My grandmother, a female doctor by profession, remembers telling me that more boys are born before the war. Indeed, there is such a long-standing popular belief, when in pre-war times and in the first 2-3 years after the war, boys are born much more. There are many versions of why this happens. And so far, none of them have been proven, although genetic laws that shape the sex of a child have been discovered. How do you know who will be born, a boy or a girl?
How to find out who is going to be born. On Earth at all times for 100 boys were born about 105 girls. This balance is evident everywhere: in Africa and Norway. After 20 years, this imbalance decreases slightly. Now for every 100 adult women, on average, according to statistics, there are 101.8 men. But There are more women anyway.. And by venerable age, the gap between the number of living women and men again increases significantly in favor of the fair sex.
Why this is happening is not easy to answer. This is probably a complex combination of different reasons. Men are less resilient than women. The female sex is more enduring than the male in various kinds of disasters: wars, epidemics, natural disasters. This is probably why, on average, women live 5 years longer than men.
Why are same-sex children born in the same family? Let's put aside biology with the X and Y chromosomes and try to reason in terms of immaterial categories. After all, each phenomenon has its own energy background. The famous writer and parapsychologist Sergey Lazarev approaches this phenomenon from an energetic point of view. He explains the phenomenon of the birth of boys by the fact that in pre-war times, humanity seems to subconsciously anticipate the future collapse associated with the war. Therefore, the soul seeks to strengthen in advance, mobilize and prepare.
The inner energy increases, the person prepares to go through severe trials, in which you need to accept the future catastrophe. As a result, boys are born. After all, the male gender is associated with the spirituality and energy of the future.
Such a biological mechanism can be applied if the family was waiting for an heir, and the wife gives birth to a girl after a girl. It seems to lack strategic energy. She lives in total comfort and submission and is completely excluded from making important decisions. When a husband is an unqualified and authoritarian leader, then daughters will be born.
And when the male principle is not bulging in the family, it is somewhat muffled, where the wife rules, there wait for the heir. Take at least the Caucasus. Caucasians know how to respect their elders and restrain their desires. There is in the blood unconditional respect for elders, respect for superiors. Taming your pride is not considered a sign of weakness. Strict hierarchy. The man obeys the elders, the woman obeys the man. Maybe that is why more boys are born in Caucasian families?
What an amazing observation Sergey Lazarev cites as an example: “The higher in a society of pride and male vanity, the more girls are born there.” This is not as good as some might think at first glance. Feminine energy is connected with instincts. But total attachment to instincts and sensuality leads to degeneration, strange as it may seem. The line between the sexes is erased, unisex is fashionable when a boy and a girl look alike. Which is what we're seeing. As a result, society dies out, and the soul declines.
The advice of parapsychologist Sergey Lazarev answers the question of what to do to give birth to a boy in the family. The writer and researcher suggest to understand intrafamily relations. For the birth of a girl, according to Lazarev, a lot of internal energy is not required, which can not be said about the male. If you want a son, give power to your wife, let her become a leader and boss. For a moment, humble your pride. Let the woman grow stronger and feel her strength. Then the boy will be born.

How to find out who is going to be born. On Earth at all times for 100 boys were born about 105 girls. This balance is evident everywhere: in Africa and Norway. After 20 years, this imbalance decreases slightly. Now for every 100 adult women, on average, according to statistics, there are 101.8 men. But There are more women anyway.. And by venerable age, the gap between the number of living women and men again increases significantly in favor of the fair sex.

Why this is happening is not easy to answer. This is probably a complex combination of different reasons. Men are less resilient than women. The female sex is more enduring than the male in various kinds of disasters: wars, epidemics, natural disasters. This is probably why, on average, women live 5 years longer than men.
Why are same-sex children born in the same family? Let's put aside biology with the X and Y chromosomes and try to reason in terms of immaterial categories. After all, each phenomenon has its own energy background. The famous writer and parapsychologist Sergey Lazarev approaches this phenomenon from an energetic point of view. He explains the phenomenon of the birth of boys by the fact that in pre-war times, humanity seems to subconsciously anticipate the future collapse associated with the war. Therefore, the soul seeks to strengthen in advance, mobilize and prepare.

The inner energy increases, the person prepares to go through severe trials, in which you need to accept the future catastrophe. As a result, boys are born. After all, the male gender is associated with the spirituality and energy of the future.
Such a biological mechanism can be applied if the family was waiting for an heir, and the wife gives birth to a girl after a girl. It seems to lack strategic energy. She lives in total comfort and submission and is completely excluded from making important decisions. When a husband is an unqualified and authoritarian leader, then daughters will be born.

And when the male principle is not bulging in the family, it is somewhat muffled, where the wife rules, there wait for the heir. Take at least the Caucasus. Caucasians know how to respect their elders and restrain their desires. There is in the blood unconditional respect for elders, respect for superiors. Taming your pride is not considered a sign of weakness. Strict hierarchy. The man obeys the elders, the woman obeys the man. Maybe that is why more boys are born in Caucasian families?

What an amazing observation Sergey Lazarev cites as an example: “The higher in a society of pride and male vanity, the more girls are born there.” This is not as good as some might think at first glance. Feminine energy is connected with instincts. But total attachment to instincts and sensuality leads to degeneration, strange as it may seem. The line between the sexes is erased, unisex is fashionable when a boy and a girl look alike. Which is what we're seeing. As a result, society dies out, and the soul declines.

The advice of parapsychologist Sergey Lazarev answers the question of what to do to give birth to a boy in the family. The writer and researcher suggest to understand intrafamily relations. For the birth of a girl, according to Lazarev, a lot of internal energy is not required, which can not be said about the male. If you want a son, give power to your wife, let her become a leader and boss. For a moment, humble your pride. Let the woman grow stronger and feel her strength. Then the boy will be born.