As soon as a young potato appears, please the family with a budget hot dish.
Cooking amazingly tasty. grind-and-cheeseWhen the usual dinners are over. Such a dish will diversify any table. It is not a shame to give even dear guests, as the treat is prepared portioned. It is very convenient to present it to the table. But what ingredients will you need and how to make this dish? Let’s go through this article together.
Potatoes with minced and cheese Does this dish look like French? Maybe in part. But they're different recipes. There is a certain similarity except because of the potato and meat component. Such potatoes are, in fact, 2 in 1. And healthy vegetables, and hearty mince.
The ingredients
Food for Dear Guests Preparation
Ready potatoes must be stretched in mashed potatoes, add spices and greens to taste. Keep in mind that there should not be too much spices, as they will also be in minced meat. Prepare the oven and cover it with parchment. On parchment paper, you need to lay out mashed potatoes in the form nest. Put the potatoes and make in each portion a deepening for mince. Once it's done, fill the ground and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake potatoes with meat and cheese in the oven for 10 minutes at 170 degrees.
Hot potatoes with minced cheese and adjust the power of your oven yourself. Just a little bit. brown out and melt the cheese. Make sure nothing burns. Serve to a meat treat is best a light summer salad and a delicious cold drink. Moreover, you can not do without an appetizing sauce.
Did you like that recipe? Or you cook too. grind-and-cheeseBut somehow? Please share your recipes with us. It will be very useful, informative and interesting. We sincerely wish everyone a pleasant appetite and a good day.

Potatoes with minced and cheese Does this dish look like French? Maybe in part. But they're different recipes. There is a certain similarity except because of the potato and meat component. Such potatoes are, in fact, 2 in 1. And healthy vegetables, and hearty mince.

The ingredients
- 300g minced meat
- 400g potatoes
- 50ml ketchup
- 100g cheese
- 2 bulbs
- garlic
- spice
- greenery

Food for Dear Guests Preparation
- Cooking should start with potatoes. Clean the vegetable from the peel, wash thoroughly under cold water and cut into pieces. The thickness of the pieces will depend on the time of cooking the vegetable. Salt the water in which the potatoes will be cooked. After its preparation, the liquid can be completely drained.
- Cut the onions and greens as finely as possible. Roast the onions in a small amount of oil, then add mince to it, which you like. It can be pork, chicken, beef. Roast the mince. about 10 minutes, gradually adding ketchup, crushed greens, garlic and spices.

Ready potatoes must be stretched in mashed potatoes, add spices and greens to taste. Keep in mind that there should not be too much spices, as they will also be in minced meat. Prepare the oven and cover it with parchment. On parchment paper, you need to lay out mashed potatoes in the form nest. Put the potatoes and make in each portion a deepening for mince. Once it's done, fill the ground and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake potatoes with meat and cheese in the oven for 10 minutes at 170 degrees.

Hot potatoes with minced cheese and adjust the power of your oven yourself. Just a little bit. brown out and melt the cheese. Make sure nothing burns. Serve to a meat treat is best a light summer salad and a delicious cold drink. Moreover, you can not do without an appetizing sauce.
Did you like that recipe? Or you cook too. grind-and-cheeseBut somehow? Please share your recipes with us. It will be very useful, informative and interesting. We sincerely wish everyone a pleasant appetite and a good day.
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