Classic home exercises to start exercising right now
I bet you've ever wondered, How to Start Playing Sports. Of course, motivation plays a huge role in this. If you have a specific goal to work for, nothing will get in your way.
However, the sport has many pitfalls. And often they are associated with the fact that a person takes on impossible tasks for him. I suggest starting small, namely with simple workouts at home. Today I will share with you a successful selection of home exercises for all occasions!
Before starting any workout, it is important to warm up your muscles. In sports halls, people often spend about 10-15 minutes on a treadmill or orbiter. I prefer to do a classic exercise, working all parts of the body, starting with the head. In addition, I really like to jump rope before the main sport. Try it!
Doing sports at home is very convenient. You don’t need any special equipment. It is comfortable enough to dress and arm yourself with a rug or plaid for some exercises that need to be performed sitting or lying down.
Next, I will share five classic exercises for home. Performing them regularly, very soon you will feel that your body is getting stronger and your health is getting better!
Selection of exercises for the home
Other exercises
At the end of any training, I recommend doing the bar. This effective exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the cortex. The initial position is similar to the position of the body during push-ups. The elbows should be bent at right angles, being on the same line with the shoulders.
Visually, your body should look like one straight line. And its weight is important to keep on the elbows and toes. Stay in this position and try to hold out as long as possible. The more often you practice this exercise, the longer you will be able to do it.
This is only a small part of the exercises that can be done at home. Try to practice and learn more about home sports online. Remember that in any business the main thing is to start!

However, the sport has many pitfalls. And often they are associated with the fact that a person takes on impossible tasks for him. I suggest starting small, namely with simple workouts at home. Today I will share with you a successful selection of home exercises for all occasions!
Before starting any workout, it is important to warm up your muscles. In sports halls, people often spend about 10-15 minutes on a treadmill or orbiter. I prefer to do a classic exercise, working all parts of the body, starting with the head. In addition, I really like to jump rope before the main sport. Try it!

Doing sports at home is very convenient. You don’t need any special equipment. It is comfortable enough to dress and arm yourself with a rug or plaid for some exercises that need to be performed sitting or lying down.
Next, I will share five classic exercises for home. Performing them regularly, very soon you will feel that your body is getting stronger and your health is getting better!
Selection of exercises for the home
- Squats are one of the classic exercises that should definitely be present in your sports routine. You can squat in different ways. For example, with or without extra weight, with your hands behind your head or in front of you.
There is no exercise that can easily replace squats. We have written about the benefits of this practice before. I highly recommend reading this article carefully. And about how to squat and who still should not do this exercise, I wrote in the material at the link. - The next exercise is called Burpy. It is very effective because it combines elements of squats, straps, push-ups from the floor and jumps. Stand up straight, put your legs on the width of your shoulders. On the exhale, sit down sharply, putting your palms on the floor. Then, in the half jump, transfer the weight of the body to the hands, simultaneously stretching the legs back and standing in the bar.
In the classic version at this stage, you need to push 1 time. However, beginners do not have to do this. Just strain your abs muscles and pull your legs in half-jump back into the squat position. And then jump up sharply, stretching your arms along your body. I share a link to a video that accurately shows the technique of performing this exercise.
Other exercises
- Classic push-ups can also be done in different ways. I offer a simplified version of push-ups on the knees. Place your hands on the floor slightly wider than your shoulder joints. Put your knees together, cross your legs. Line your torso and hips straight.
On inhalation, bend your hands, lowering your shoulders parallel to the floor. In this case, the elbows should be turned to the sides. Be careful that the back does not sag. On exhalation, perform repulsion from the floor, straining the muscles of the chest and hands. Get back to the starting position. Detailed technique of execution you will find on the link. - In home training without exercises on the press can not do. With its classic version will cope even a beginner. Take a supine position, bend your knees, and put your hands behind your head. At the same time, fix the feet on the mat.
On exhalation, rise on the shoulder blades, while the lower back should be pressed to the floor. Perform the exercise smoothly, not in a hurry. I advise you to familiarize yourself with a more detailed technique of execution at the link.
At the end of any training, I recommend doing the bar. This effective exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the cortex. The initial position is similar to the position of the body during push-ups. The elbows should be bent at right angles, being on the same line with the shoulders.

Visually, your body should look like one straight line. And its weight is important to keep on the elbows and toes. Stay in this position and try to hold out as long as possible. The more often you practice this exercise, the longer you will be able to do it.
This is only a small part of the exercises that can be done at home. Try to practice and learn more about home sports online. Remember that in any business the main thing is to start!
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