The task about cute sheep to teach a child to count and introduce to the nature of the Carpathians
Logic problem solving trains our brain and develops thinking skills. But how to teach a child to solve such problems? The answer is simple: only in practice. Where do we start? Of course, with a careful reading of the conditions. This may seem too obvious. The question often contains at least half the answer.
How to teach a child to solve problems
We hope that solving these problems gave you pleasure. Write down which problem was the most difficult, and which problems were solved without much effort.

How to teach a child to solve problems
- The farmer had 17 sheep. All but 9 were taken away by wolves. How many sheep are left?
(a) 5
(b) 7
(c) 8
(g) 9 - You take part in the race and beat the runner who was in last place. What position are you in now?
(a) Last one.
(b) The penultimate.
c) To answer, you need to know the total number of participants in the race.
d) There is no correct answer. - Katya's father had seven daughters and no son. The daughters were named Alexander, Galya, Nastya, Veronica, Vita and Jan. What's the seventh daughter's name?
(a) Nana
(b) Nane
c) Nino
d) Are you sure you read the condition? - Not far from the shore is a sailing ship with a deflated rope ladder. The stairs have 15 steps. The distance between them is 45 cm. The lowest step barely touches the water. Suddenly, the tide begins, because of which the water rises by 15 cm every hour. Question: How long will it take to get to the second level?
3 hours
b) 5 hours
(c) 6 hours
(d) never - A deaf person needs a hammer to make home repairs. He goes to a construction shop, but there's no self-service. How do you explain to the seller what he wants?
Peels - I had 6 eggs. I broke two eggs, fryed two and ate two. How many eggs are left after that?
a) 0
(b) 2
(c) 4
- The problem is that we've always been taught to answer as quickly as possible. So when we see two numbers in a problem, we tend to subtract one from the other. You just need to take a break and read the task again. Of course, there is no need to subtract, add, or even multiply or divide anything here. The answer is on condition! All but 9 were stolen by wolves. So, 9 sheep left.!
- It is impossible to overtake a runner who is already in the last position. Therefore, the correct answer would be variant.
- The seventh daughter is. Katya (see problem condition).
- It is not enough to read the condition carefully. You have to think about it (what a surprise). Then it becomes clear that as the water level rises, the ship will rise with it. So the answer is right. variant (never).
- Simply put, I want to buy a hammer. After all, if you carefully studied the question, remember that the buyer in it is deaf, not dumb.
- Well, you don't have to be Gregory Perelman to recognize a catch. It is logical to assume that the author fried the same eggs that he broke. Because frying eggs without breaking them, it's pretty hard. In addition, it can be concluded that he also ate, probably not raw eggs. So, 2 eggs were broken, they were cooked, they were eaten. There are 4 eggs left..
We hope that solving these problems gave you pleasure. Write down which problem was the most difficult, and which problems were solved without much effort.
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