Instead of fat cakes with custard, I make a light milkless carrot pie.

The other day I wanted to cook something tasty, and in the refrigerator, as luck would have it, there was only a carrot. At first I was upset, but then I remembered that a couple of oranges had been on the fruit store for a long time. My hand reached for my phone, and I started scouring the Internet looking for that dish. Found it! Recipe for a delicious carrot pie with custard orange cream It exceeded all expectations. I'm in a hurry to share the find with you.

The recipe for a delicious carrot pie in this recipe is perfect. Firstly, the dessert is prepared quite simply and quickly. Even custard should not be afraid! Secondly, there are no dairy products in the cake, due to which the dish is less fatty. This is exactly what you need on a summer day.

Test ingredients
  • 300g carrots
  • 3 eggs
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil
  • 150g wheat flour
  • 220g sugar
  • 10g baking powder
  • 10g vanilla sugar
  • peel 2 oranges and 1 lemon

The ingredients for custard
  • 80g sugar
  • 30g cornstarch
  • 1 egg
  • juice 2 oranges and 1 lemon

  1. First of all, prepare citrus fruits for work. Wash them well and scald them with boiling water. Then rub the peel of oranges and lemon. And squeeze the juice out of the fruit itself.

  2. To prepare a custard in sotheinica, rub an egg with sugar and starch. Add orange and lemon juice to the mixture and mix it well. Put the steak on a medium fire and brew the cream, constantly stirring the mass. By density, it should turn out the same as semolina.
  3. Pour the cream into a deep bowl and cover the food film in contact so that it does not crust while it cools. At this time, make the cake itself.
  4. For the test, beat eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar. By the way, instead of the latter, you can use ordinary vanilla or vanilla essence. Add to the egg mixture vegetable oil, peel and mix everything. Then pour into the resulting mass sifted flour, baking powder and mixed dough.

  5. On a fine grater, rub the carrots and add them to the dough. Mix the ingredients well to a homogeneous state. Cover the form for baking with parchment paper, and it is important to close the bottom and sides with parchment. Place the dough in a uniform layer. Cooled custard put in a pastry bag and lay it on top of the raw dough just in a circle.
  6. Bake the cake in the oven for 45-50 minutes at 180 degrees. It is best to use the upper and lower heating mode. Focus on your oven, check the old-fashioned readiness with a toothpick.

  7. When the cake is ready, let it cool completely before cutting into portion pieces. Bon appetit!

Recipe for a delicious carrot pie: editorial advice Prepare a carrot cake with custard in the evening to treat yourself and your loved ones to incredible tastiness in the morning. In the recipe, you can use only oranges if you do not like lemon or a pronounced citrus taste. By the way, I was struck by the combination of an unusual custard with carrot pie. If you want to surprise guests, be sure to prepare this delicacy for their arrival!

Not all housewives like to cook pastries with carrots, fearing that the dish will have too strong carrot taste. But that is not the case. And the recipe for a delicious carrot pie just proves it. If you are ready to experiment, I advise you to make a luxurious carrot cake. The recipe was shared by my colleague Veronica Zhmurko, and she knows a lot about baking!

I also liked the idea of a delicate carrot cream soup. Fingers are good! And if you like the simplest recipes, I suggest you make a quick carrot pie.

The eyes shine and the soul rejoices! I hope you enjoyed today's dish and you will definitely try to bake this incredible cake with custard. Enjoy your tea!


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