Grandma spent the whole year collecting onion husks to fertilize cucumbers in the summer, the result is simply fantastic.
Garden onion husk - a storehouse of useful elements. Decoctions based on husk can be used for many plants. But most of all, such a cocktail will appeal to cucumbers. Why is it so useful and how to properly fertilize cucumbers? You'll find out in the next few minutes.
The use of onion husks can be found both in the garden and as a dye for Easter eggs. It's amazing how simple vegetable cleansing can bring usefulness. A decoction based on onion husk contains many useful substances. For example, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, selenium, bromine.
These micronutrients help. fight off bad bacteria and prevent the yellowing of cucumber foliage. In addition, onion broth promotes the growth of vegetables and fruits. It strengthens their root system, makes them more resistant to temperature surprises. In general, it's a very useful method.
Useful broth for cucumbers First we will figure out what to do with cucumbers. So, if this vegetable started yellowYou need to prepare a decoction according to this recipe. In a large pan, combine 10 liters of water and 3 handfuls of onion husks. Bring the liquid to a boil, stir and boil for about 5 minutes. Let the broth cool, after which it is necessary to strain it.
Affected cucumbers can be watered under the root or on a leaf. Just keep in mind that concentrated decoction cannot be used. Treat vegetables with water and onion broth in a proportion, for example, 10:2. Where 10 l - water, and 2 l - onion broth. Most effective onion garden in the morning. Residues of husks are not necessarily thrown away, you can fertilize it with cucumber planting sites.
The fight against small pests Onion husk will help to cope with the spider mite. If you notice that the leaves of any vegetables or fruits are intertwined with a web, then you should act immediately. Take about 200 g of husk and pour it with 10 liters of boiled water. Insist the decoction is recommended for 5 days. After that, strain the liquid and treat it with sick plants three times at intervals of 4-5 days.
Try to deal with aphids in the bed can be in this way. Prepare a metal bucket and fill it with onion husks to half. The rest of the space is filled with boiled water and let the liquid infuse throughout the day. You need a chilled broth. water down in a ratio of 1:2 and walk around the garden. Some gardeners and gardeners use such a decoction not only to destroy aphids, but also Colorado beetles.
Pests especially fall not only on vegetables, but also on fruit trees. For example, first of all, an apple tree can suffer from an apple fertilizer. How do we proceed? Treat apple trees can be any of the above broths, but when the tree will no longer bloom.
It is best to spray the apple with onion decoction at a temperature of +15 degrees. Repeat processing is necessary every seven days for a month. Try to watch yourself. smell. Is there a shift after the “onion shower” or not? Has the number of pests on the branches and foliage decreased?
In addition, if you are afraid of a negative reaction of vegetables and fruits to a new fertilizer, you can organize a test feeding. Pour only 10 g of husk 5 liters of boiling water and wait for the broth to cool completely. After that, pour under the root of the selected subjects and observe their condition.
Using onion decoctions, you will definitely know that there is no chemistry on your beds. In addition, modern realities do not always give an opportunity to buy chemistry. Either the prices bite, or the range is too scarce, or it is absent at all. You have to go out and look. viable. But do not be afraid of the availability and simplicity of onion husks. It is loved and respected by many gardeners.

The use of onion husks can be found both in the garden and as a dye for Easter eggs. It's amazing how simple vegetable cleansing can bring usefulness. A decoction based on onion husk contains many useful substances. For example, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, selenium, bromine.
These micronutrients help. fight off bad bacteria and prevent the yellowing of cucumber foliage. In addition, onion broth promotes the growth of vegetables and fruits. It strengthens their root system, makes them more resistant to temperature surprises. In general, it's a very useful method.
Useful broth for cucumbers First we will figure out what to do with cucumbers. So, if this vegetable started yellowYou need to prepare a decoction according to this recipe. In a large pan, combine 10 liters of water and 3 handfuls of onion husks. Bring the liquid to a boil, stir and boil for about 5 minutes. Let the broth cool, after which it is necessary to strain it.
Affected cucumbers can be watered under the root or on a leaf. Just keep in mind that concentrated decoction cannot be used. Treat vegetables with water and onion broth in a proportion, for example, 10:2. Where 10 l - water, and 2 l - onion broth. Most effective onion garden in the morning. Residues of husks are not necessarily thrown away, you can fertilize it with cucumber planting sites.

The fight against small pests Onion husk will help to cope with the spider mite. If you notice that the leaves of any vegetables or fruits are intertwined with a web, then you should act immediately. Take about 200 g of husk and pour it with 10 liters of boiled water. Insist the decoction is recommended for 5 days. After that, strain the liquid and treat it with sick plants three times at intervals of 4-5 days.
Try to deal with aphids in the bed can be in this way. Prepare a metal bucket and fill it with onion husks to half. The rest of the space is filled with boiled water and let the liquid infuse throughout the day. You need a chilled broth. water down in a ratio of 1:2 and walk around the garden. Some gardeners and gardeners use such a decoction not only to destroy aphids, but also Colorado beetles.

Pests especially fall not only on vegetables, but also on fruit trees. For example, first of all, an apple tree can suffer from an apple fertilizer. How do we proceed? Treat apple trees can be any of the above broths, but when the tree will no longer bloom.
It is best to spray the apple with onion decoction at a temperature of +15 degrees. Repeat processing is necessary every seven days for a month. Try to watch yourself. smell. Is there a shift after the “onion shower” or not? Has the number of pests on the branches and foliage decreased?

In addition, if you are afraid of a negative reaction of vegetables and fruits to a new fertilizer, you can organize a test feeding. Pour only 10 g of husk 5 liters of boiling water and wait for the broth to cool completely. After that, pour under the root of the selected subjects and observe their condition.

Using onion decoctions, you will definitely know that there is no chemistry on your beds. In addition, modern realities do not always give an opportunity to buy chemistry. Either the prices bite, or the range is too scarce, or it is absent at all. You have to go out and look. viable. But do not be afraid of the availability and simplicity of onion husks. It is loved and respected by many gardeners.
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