How the lives of ordinary people have changed in the last 3 months

The impact of sanctions on Russia Sooner or later every Russian will feel himself. No matter what anyone says, food prices continue to rise. However, the rise and shortage is not just about food. Experts predict that the real disaster will begin in June of this year. What to expect residents of the Russian Federation and what problems they face now, read further in the article.

According to Kremlin statistics, more than 80% of Russians support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The war is cynically called a special operation. And to all questions of inquisitive journalists about the standard of living, people answer classically: “We will tolerate.”

Despite this, for many Russian citizens, the Russian passport has become a burden. This is especially true for those Russians who are abroad. Some have lived there for a long time, and some have left their homeland in search of a better life. Russian immigrants face a lot of problems every day. For example, obtaining a visa and renting housing. Russians do not want to see abroad.

In addition, due to sanctions, Russian bank cards simply do not work abroad. And to open an account in a foreign bank, you need to try hard, because this procedure can be delayed. If you are from Russia and want to go to another country, you need to understand that this pleasure is not cheap.

The sanctions significantly affected the cost and logistics of air travel. To get abroad, you often have to fly with a lot of transfers. And it all costs a lot of money. Almost 90% of airlines simply refused to cooperate with Russia.

Turkey and Egypt still receive tourists from Russia. However, calling it a budget holiday language no longer turns. Prices for vouchers skyrocketed. And that's just the beginning. As they say, the rich cry too.

The economic crisis in Russia is inevitable. And while ordinary citizens still turn a blind eye to sanctions, denying their impact is simply foolish. More than 200 large companies left the Russian market. Many of them have pledged to pay workers salaries, despite simple production. However, the so-called holidays are coming to an end.

Secondly, a huge number of factories are no longer operating, and food prices are rising every day. Russian economist Oleg Itskhoki explains that all this is only a direct consequence of a failure in production chains. The result of panicked demand for certain goods.

Despite this, the acute phase of the crisis has not yet arrived. According to the forecasts of economists, it will begin to be particularly acute in June 2022. Experts no longer consider a scenario in which Russia and Ukraine will come to a common denominator during negotiations. In addition, today there was news that the negotiations have stopped altogether.

The war is not over, and Russia is entering a regime of long-term sanctions. Changes in the economy of the country are cumulative in nature. And they can be fully judged by comparing August and September 2022 with February. Supply chain disruption and unemployment Problems that cannot be avoided. And all this Oleg Itskhoki calls a relatively favorable development of events.

The speed of the budget deficit in Russia directly affects oil embargo. The sooner this happens, the faster inflation will rise. In this matter, the reaction of people is very important, namely, whether they will protest. The economist predicts that this will inevitably lead to a wave of serious mass repression.

“Judging by the way the war is going in Ukraine, the value of human life for the Russian authorities is not very high,” says Oleg Itskhoki. At the same time, there is a scenario in which the country will simply collapse. There will be no more resources for repression. According to the expert, this is the most favorable outcome in this situation.

Every Russian loses from this war. The economist confidently declares: “Every Russian loses from this war.” This is a fundamental factor for the further development of the economy. And so far, the richer words of the population are aware of this. In addition, the current situation affects the whole world. Few people want to deal with Russia right now. The world has chosen the path of least resistance. It's total. The isolation and exhaustion of Russia.


These actions are aimed at minimizing the threat from Russia. If the state is depleted economically and militarily, it will not be physically able to initiate new military conflicts. For Russia to become a partner of the entire Western world, the regime in Russia must change.

Whether the Russians themselves will ever understand this, only time will tell. Oleg Itskhoki warns that it will take many years to finally overcome the economic crisis. But how exactly is that going to happen?

Tell us in the comments, have you experienced the impact of sanctions on Russia?


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