May 12, we honor the hard work of nurses, I want to kiss the hands of these persistent people

May 12 is International Nurses Day. This holiday is important for health care workers no less than other holiday professional dates. And Ukraine. Nursing Day In 2022, it gained special importance. During the war, the burden on hospitals and military hospitals increased significantly. It is difficult to imagine how doctors would cope without the help of nurses and nurses.

Today we sincerely want to congratulate everyone involved and tell a little more about this holiday.

Nurses’ Day 2022 was first mentioned in 1953. It was just an idea at the time. It was implemented 12 years later by the decision of the International Federation of the Red Cross (ICRC). The May date was not chosen by chance. May 12, 1820 was born the world-famous English sister of mercy Florence Nightingale.

Instagram / @woman_memory27 The International Council of Nurses, founded back in 1899, has officially approved the date of the celebration. It happened in 1971. Florence Nightingale became the ideological inspirer of this holiday for a reason. During the Crimean War, it was in Turkey. There, a nurse was able to arrange proper care for the wounded soldiers. It has implemented the principles of sanitation step by step. And it is thanks to her that the number of fallen in battle decreased.

Time has passed and Florence has founded the first ever English courses for the Sisters of Mercy. Nowadays, a woman is known as the creator of the profession of nurses. She also became famous for many initiatives in the reform of hospitals of that time.

There is a special award - the Florence Nightingale Medal. The ICRC awards it to nurses who have done their work bravely in times of war or peace. This is the highest reward for workers who are willing to sacrifice everything to save a person. However, only certified nurses can receive a medal. As well as nurses working on a voluntary basis. For example, members of the National Red Cross Societies.

In the history of the USSR, there are 44 cases when nurses received this award. In Ukraine, 17 medical workers have been awarded since the proclamation of its independence. Officially, the Day of nurses Ukrainians began to celebrate in 1997. In the same year, the Association of Nurses of Ukraine was created. She works on a voluntary basis.

The task of the organization consists of several aspects. First, it protects the interests of junior health care workers. Secondly, it can improve skills. In addition, the organization supports the priority of the humanitarian values of nursing. The Association of Nurses of Ukraine is a member of the International Council of Nurses. Today it has more than 150 organizations worldwide.

The International Day of Nurses is a really important holiday. It draws public attention to existing problems. For example, a shortage of staff, as well as low salaries for nurses. For some reason, not everyone considers this work prestigious. However, we are sure that there are no secondary professions in the field of health care.

It has been 78 days since Russia invaded Ukraine. It is worth recalling that the Ukrainian health care system was under constant strain before the war. Although COVID-19 is hardly mentioned, the virus still exists. Imagine the burden of hospitals now, when, in addition to civilians, soldiers must be put on their feet.

Doctors and nurses are saving lives. We can't forget that. Let this holiday remind each of us how important it is. If there are junior health workers in your environment, be sure to congratulate them. And how exactly to do this, I advise you to read the link. Take care!


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