Nicholas Roerich’s Prophecy for the World
Artist Nicholas Roerich Together with his wife and son, he left Bolshevik Russia a year after the revolution. For a long 8 years, the creator was in India, where he learned the depths of philosophical knowledge of Mahatmas. The Indian sages sent the Roerich family back to their homeland to convey an important prediction to the government. It was supposed to change the course of the entire history of the USSR. But did they manage to do that? Today's edition. "Site" I will tell you what happened to this journey.
In 1926, Nicholas Roerich, together with his wife Elena and son Yuri, returned to Russia. The family did not recognize their homeland, which has changed over the past 8 years. Although Vladimir Lenin died 2 years ago, the country continued to live by the energy of his thought.
The artist kept diary notes all the way. He wrote that he felt in the people a special strength and thirst for knowledge: "Here is the stronghold of a new evolution." However, it could be accomplished only if the government listened to the prediction, the messenger of which was Roerich.
The creator left the country in 1918. For the next 8 years he explored the depths of life in India. Together with his family, Nikolai Konstantinovich became a member of a group of spiritual teachers of the East (philosophers), who are called Mahatmas. It is believed that they did not just know the world, but first of all knew themselves. Therefore, Mahatmas are superior to ordinary modern man.
Manuscript of Community From the pen of Nicholas Roerich came the manuscript of the book “Community”. In it he describes the philosophy of cosmic reality (living ethics). The meaning of life is not only to destroy the past world, but also to create a new one. And this will become possible when people are united by high spiritual knowledge, culture and beauty. In the book, the artist gives specific recommendations on how the community can be realized.
The main warning of the Mahatmas concerned Joseph Stalin. As early as 1926, the country was on a path that ran counter to cosmic evolution. The spirit of the people and their national culture were destroyed. In order for the USSR to develop properly, its goal must be the synthesis of economy and culture. However, under Stalin this would not be possible.
Foresights about Stalin were quite clear. For example, it was said, “Fear and meanness will take the nearest place. The denier dreams of encircling all mankind with a wall of terror. The man who sows terror is himself madly afraid.
Artist Nicholas Roerich came to the Soviet Union to convey to the leadership of the country the main idea: Stalin cannot be allowed into power. However, the People’s Commissars were not impressed by Roerich’s stories, and he was ordered arrested. The family miraculously escapes and returns to India. And the USSR begins to confidently move along the path of spirituality and low consciousness. Everything that Nikolai Konstantinovich warned about has come true.
Human ignorance destroyed the past, depriving the country of the future. And society itself was created by total coercion, not by the will of the people.
The Soviet Union learned about the predictions and creations of Nicholas Roerich only 60 years later, in 1987. The youngest son of the artist Svyatoslav came to the USSR and told about his father Mikhail Gorbachev. He wanted to create a museum that would store Roerich’s heritage, transferred from India.
The First Chairman of the Supreme Council accepted the proposal. In 1989, the creation of the public center-museum named after Nicholas Roerich. It came about thanks to the donations of many concerned citizens. People have finally learned what living ethics and cosmic evolution are.
But in 2012, none of that happened. The authorities single-handedly decided to destroy the museum, and overnight, enlisting the support of riot police, officials seized the center and took all the heritage of Roerich from it. The aim was to nationalize the museum. The museum is currently in operation.
History is the best teacher Artist Nicholas Roerich – the author of the famous peace-sign. It is a symbol of the Roerich Pact, an international treaty for the protection of artistic and scientific institutions and historical monuments. It was actively used during the Second World War to protect cultural values and architectural monuments. Cultural events were also held under this banner.
In many countries of the world, the symbol of Roerich lives to this day. There are many organizations that continue the work of a great thinker. And it's worth it, because what could be more valuable than human culture? No wonder in the teachings of Nicholas Konstantinovich said that Culture is a cosmic phenomenon.
Who knows how the life of modern Russia would have developed if in 1926 the Soviet authorities had listened to Roerich. His followers say, “History will teach again and again until its lessons are learned.” And history is a harsh teacher. And now each of us has witnessed this.

In 1926, Nicholas Roerich, together with his wife Elena and son Yuri, returned to Russia. The family did not recognize their homeland, which has changed over the past 8 years. Although Vladimir Lenin died 2 years ago, the country continued to live by the energy of his thought.
The artist kept diary notes all the way. He wrote that he felt in the people a special strength and thirst for knowledge: "Here is the stronghold of a new evolution." However, it could be accomplished only if the government listened to the prediction, the messenger of which was Roerich.
The creator left the country in 1918. For the next 8 years he explored the depths of life in India. Together with his family, Nikolai Konstantinovich became a member of a group of spiritual teachers of the East (philosophers), who are called Mahatmas. It is believed that they did not just know the world, but first of all knew themselves. Therefore, Mahatmas are superior to ordinary modern man.
Manuscript of Community From the pen of Nicholas Roerich came the manuscript of the book “Community”. In it he describes the philosophy of cosmic reality (living ethics). The meaning of life is not only to destroy the past world, but also to create a new one. And this will become possible when people are united by high spiritual knowledge, culture and beauty. In the book, the artist gives specific recommendations on how the community can be realized.
The main warning of the Mahatmas concerned Joseph Stalin. As early as 1926, the country was on a path that ran counter to cosmic evolution. The spirit of the people and their national culture were destroyed. In order for the USSR to develop properly, its goal must be the synthesis of economy and culture. However, under Stalin this would not be possible.
Foresights about Stalin were quite clear. For example, it was said, “Fear and meanness will take the nearest place. The denier dreams of encircling all mankind with a wall of terror. The man who sows terror is himself madly afraid.
Artist Nicholas Roerich came to the Soviet Union to convey to the leadership of the country the main idea: Stalin cannot be allowed into power. However, the People’s Commissars were not impressed by Roerich’s stories, and he was ordered arrested. The family miraculously escapes and returns to India. And the USSR begins to confidently move along the path of spirituality and low consciousness. Everything that Nikolai Konstantinovich warned about has come true.
Human ignorance destroyed the past, depriving the country of the future. And society itself was created by total coercion, not by the will of the people.
The Soviet Union learned about the predictions and creations of Nicholas Roerich only 60 years later, in 1987. The youngest son of the artist Svyatoslav came to the USSR and told about his father Mikhail Gorbachev. He wanted to create a museum that would store Roerich’s heritage, transferred from India.
The First Chairman of the Supreme Council accepted the proposal. In 1989, the creation of the public center-museum named after Nicholas Roerich. It came about thanks to the donations of many concerned citizens. People have finally learned what living ethics and cosmic evolution are.
But in 2012, none of that happened. The authorities single-handedly decided to destroy the museum, and overnight, enlisting the support of riot police, officials seized the center and took all the heritage of Roerich from it. The aim was to nationalize the museum. The museum is currently in operation.
History is the best teacher Artist Nicholas Roerich – the author of the famous peace-sign. It is a symbol of the Roerich Pact, an international treaty for the protection of artistic and scientific institutions and historical monuments. It was actively used during the Second World War to protect cultural values and architectural monuments. Cultural events were also held under this banner.
In many countries of the world, the symbol of Roerich lives to this day. There are many organizations that continue the work of a great thinker. And it's worth it, because what could be more valuable than human culture? No wonder in the teachings of Nicholas Konstantinovich said that Culture is a cosmic phenomenon.
Who knows how the life of modern Russia would have developed if in 1926 the Soviet authorities had listened to Roerich. His followers say, “History will teach again and again until its lessons are learned.” And history is a harsh teacher. And now each of us has witnessed this.
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