How to replace sugar: what to throw in tea and coffee instead of sugar
No more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day are recommended to be consumed by specialists so as not to have health problems. Unfortunately, modern man consumes many times more sugar than he should. Almost any product bought in the store, there is sugar: in canned food, confectionery, pickled meat and so on. To keep your body healthy and beautiful, it is better to give up white sugar and sweets and find an alternative to them. Today we will tell you how to replace sugar with health benefits.
Refuse sugar can not be gradually, it must be removed from the diet immediately. Nutritionists are convinced of this, because sweets provoke a craving for food, the more a person eats sweets, the more they want. Fortunately, you can suppress the craving for sweets and satisfy the need for something sweet with the help of more useful products.
Honey is a useful natural product that is worth eating not only in the cold season. Honey is as high-calorie as sugar, so you should not get carried away with it. But cooking a mixture of dried fruits and honey, mixing honey with lemon and ginger and eating 1 tsp. a day is useful for immunity.
Fruits and berries are good because, in addition to fructose, they contain fiber and water. Instead of eating a 500-calorie chocolate, eat 2 apples. You will feel satiety and a surge of strength, you will not experience lethargy and irritability due to a high jump in insulin and save your waist.
Bananas are the sweetest fruit that can be added to pastries and cereals instead of sugar. In 100 g of sugar, 360 calories, and in 100 g of banana - 100. In addition, the fruit contains large amounts of potassium and B vitamins, which improves mood and well-being.
Raisins, dates, dried apricots and other natural sweets have the same calorie content and rich sweet taste as sugar. In the process of drying the dried fruit leaves water and remains pure sugar. Also, dried fruits are useful for digestion and the immune system, contain a number of vitamins, among other things.
Jam made from fruits and berries, especially without sugar, contains as many calories as fresh fruit. But even if you cook jam with sugar, the finished product will still have 100 calories less than white crystalline sugar. And since jam does not need too much to sweeten toast or porridge, you can safely eat 20-40 g a day without conscience.
Even vegetables have sugar. It turns out that if you cook beets, you can eat it instead of sweet candy. Boiled beets with orange is a good snack for sweet tooth. And sugar is found in carrots, it has vitamin A, which is necessary for a good metabolism, and a lot of fiber. In order for the vitamin to be absorbed, you should make a dessert from grated carrots with a small amount of sour cream. In 100 grams of carrots only 20 calories.
Cinnamon is a spice that makes tea or coffee sweet without a gram of sugar. The pleasant aroma of cinnamon and the delicate taste compensates for the sugar in the drinks. Cinnamon can be added to drinks, desserts and cereals. Cinnamon not only sweetens products, but also contributes to the burning of fat.
The editorial advice of craving for sweets can occur for several reasons, the main of which are stress and unbalanced nutrition. If you do not eat complex carbohydrates, then your hand will reach for candy. In this case, it is enough to add porridge to the diet, which saturate the body for a long time. Stress makes us overeat. When a person eats sweets, there is a feeling of joy, which is replaced by irritability and lethargy. When you want to eat chocolate, ask yourself: do I want chocolate or do I eat it out of boredom? In this case, you can replace the meal with some useful activity that brings joy, except eating sweets. Do not forbid yourself to eat sweets, this provokes a fixation on food.

Refuse sugar can not be gradually, it must be removed from the diet immediately. Nutritionists are convinced of this, because sweets provoke a craving for food, the more a person eats sweets, the more they want. Fortunately, you can suppress the craving for sweets and satisfy the need for something sweet with the help of more useful products.
Honey is a useful natural product that is worth eating not only in the cold season. Honey is as high-calorie as sugar, so you should not get carried away with it. But cooking a mixture of dried fruits and honey, mixing honey with lemon and ginger and eating 1 tsp. a day is useful for immunity.

Fruits and berries are good because, in addition to fructose, they contain fiber and water. Instead of eating a 500-calorie chocolate, eat 2 apples. You will feel satiety and a surge of strength, you will not experience lethargy and irritability due to a high jump in insulin and save your waist.
Bananas are the sweetest fruit that can be added to pastries and cereals instead of sugar. In 100 g of sugar, 360 calories, and in 100 g of banana - 100. In addition, the fruit contains large amounts of potassium and B vitamins, which improves mood and well-being.

Raisins, dates, dried apricots and other natural sweets have the same calorie content and rich sweet taste as sugar. In the process of drying the dried fruit leaves water and remains pure sugar. Also, dried fruits are useful for digestion and the immune system, contain a number of vitamins, among other things.

Jam made from fruits and berries, especially without sugar, contains as many calories as fresh fruit. But even if you cook jam with sugar, the finished product will still have 100 calories less than white crystalline sugar. And since jam does not need too much to sweeten toast or porridge, you can safely eat 20-40 g a day without conscience.
Even vegetables have sugar. It turns out that if you cook beets, you can eat it instead of sweet candy. Boiled beets with orange is a good snack for sweet tooth. And sugar is found in carrots, it has vitamin A, which is necessary for a good metabolism, and a lot of fiber. In order for the vitamin to be absorbed, you should make a dessert from grated carrots with a small amount of sour cream. In 100 grams of carrots only 20 calories.

Cinnamon is a spice that makes tea or coffee sweet without a gram of sugar. The pleasant aroma of cinnamon and the delicate taste compensates for the sugar in the drinks. Cinnamon can be added to drinks, desserts and cereals. Cinnamon not only sweetens products, but also contributes to the burning of fat.

The editorial advice of craving for sweets can occur for several reasons, the main of which are stress and unbalanced nutrition. If you do not eat complex carbohydrates, then your hand will reach for candy. In this case, it is enough to add porridge to the diet, which saturate the body for a long time. Stress makes us overeat. When a person eats sweets, there is a feeling of joy, which is replaced by irritability and lethargy. When you want to eat chocolate, ask yourself: do I want chocolate or do I eat it out of boredom? In this case, you can replace the meal with some useful activity that brings joy, except eating sweets. Do not forbid yourself to eat sweets, this provokes a fixation on food.
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