How to adjust sleep: recommendations of a licensed psychologist

In difficult times, more and more people wonder. How to set up a sleep schedule. And if in quiet times, many people suffered from insomnia, now sleep deprivation (lack or complete absence) has become a common problem.

And today's edition. "Site" share the recommendations of licensed psychologists who will help to improve the situation. In Japan, husband and wife often sleep separately and sometimes in separate rooms.

The first thing to say is that the Japanese are real workaholics. And in order to work productively every day, you need quality rest. And since Japanese husbands and their wives have different work schedules, they go to bed at different times. Therefore, it is quite logical to sleep separately, so as not to interfere with the rest of the second half with its late appearance.

Japanese children usually sleep with their mothers. And in this case, the head of the family has another reason why he will be more comfortable sleeping separately. In addition, the Japanese are well aware that sleeping separately is much easier. And if someone nearby snores, turns, kicks or pulls a blanket, then your quality of sleep suffers.

Is it important to get enough sleep? Certified experts say that no matter what someone says, an adult needs to sleep 7-8 hours a day. Any attempts to deceive the body will lead to disruption of normal processes. Stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) in the blood will become more, blood pressure will increase.

In conditions where sleep is difficult or even impossible (for example, on duty), deprivation (chronic insufficiency) of sleep occurs. As a result, a person feels chronic stress not only because of the events around him, but also because of the inability to rest.

Prolonged sleep deprivation makes fatigue a constant companion of a person. Daytime sleepiness appears, the ability to concentrate on important matters decreases. And gradually lose touch with reality, and may even appear hallucinations.

This is also evident in human activity. For example, the ability to analyze information decreases, emotions are less controlled, and wrong decisions are more often made.

A person can take rash steps, underestimate the big threats and overestimate the insignificant ones. So getting enough sleep is really important. And even in the most difficult conditions, it is necessary to look for opportunities for at least partial recovery.

Experts believe that even a few hours of sleep at night is much better than not sleeping all night. And if you can not sleep at night, then you should shift the schedule so that you can sleep during the day.

If you have to sleep regularly in a shelter or in another relatively safe place, it is better to equip your sleep area in advance, so as not to waste time on such arrangement every time. The fact is that if you resume sleep within 15 minutes after the forced awakening, the restorative properties of sleep are preserved.

Even nap 15 to 20 minutes It is more useful for recovery than constantly not sleeping. If sleep does not come, then use proven relaxation techniques. For example, alternate tension and relaxation of the muscles of the face, shoulders, arms, legs can help. It is equally important to switch thoughts to a calmer direction.


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