Memories of a Soviet schoolboy about a summer camp for children
Summer camp for children of Soviet times, or the pioneer camp, was distinguished by a special atmosphere. It is captured not only in the memory of the owners of the famous red tie, but also in movies, books and TV series. The pioneer camp was distinguished by discipline and constant activity. Of course, not all children were satisfied with this state of affairs. What the children complained about their parents, and what they were happy about, find out below.
The very first and obvious complaint from a teenager on vacation is an early rise. At any age, few people want to get up early on their vacation. However, the children had no choice. Climbing the sound of the horn, some 20 minutes to gather and morning ruler.
Peels Late had to push up as punishment. On the one hand, useful, and on the other annoying. Pioneers were constantly engaged in physical activity.
I must say that the location of the camp has always been conducive to an active lifestyle. As a rule, there was a forest and a pond nearby. This naturally had a positive impact on the health of the younger generation. Confirmation of this was a good tan.
Peels Forced Quiet Hour An unpleasant moment for the energetic pioneers was a familiar quiet hour. As a rule, children did not want to rest and did anything in their beds, but did not sleep. Depending on the temper and severity of the counselor, the pioneers spent the quiet hour in different ways.
If the counselor or counselor was only recently in the place of the children, then there was a very high chance that the activity will be looked at with understanding and there will be no punishment. Another thing is, if the counselor
I've seen a lot in my lifetime. Then you didn’t have to wait for indulgence, but only pretend that you sleep peacefully with the rest of the guys. And then they whisper and look at each other.
The biggest plus of such camps is constant activity and visiting circles. Nowadays, any interest groups cost a lot of money. And then it was free, in the air and in the company of comrades. Of course, the children were not very happy with this either. But at the same time, they liked it.
Persistent activity, revealing different sides of the growing personality, can not negatively affect it. Therefore, despite the child’s stubbornness and pampering, after the summer holidays, the children happily remembered their rich and adventurous summer in the pioneer camp.
Thanks to the nostalgic memories of the older generation, young people have a chance to see and feel the atmosphere of the times when summer camp was something special. Unfortunately, initiatives such as free nature camps have become a rarity. And all the mugs that were freely available became a luxury for parents and a rarity for children.

The very first and obvious complaint from a teenager on vacation is an early rise. At any age, few people want to get up early on their vacation. However, the children had no choice. Climbing the sound of the horn, some 20 minutes to gather and morning ruler.

Peels Late had to push up as punishment. On the one hand, useful, and on the other annoying. Pioneers were constantly engaged in physical activity.
I must say that the location of the camp has always been conducive to an active lifestyle. As a rule, there was a forest and a pond nearby. This naturally had a positive impact on the health of the younger generation. Confirmation of this was a good tan.

Peels Forced Quiet Hour An unpleasant moment for the energetic pioneers was a familiar quiet hour. As a rule, children did not want to rest and did anything in their beds, but did not sleep. Depending on the temper and severity of the counselor, the pioneers spent the quiet hour in different ways.

If the counselor or counselor was only recently in the place of the children, then there was a very high chance that the activity will be looked at with understanding and there will be no punishment. Another thing is, if the counselor
I've seen a lot in my lifetime. Then you didn’t have to wait for indulgence, but only pretend that you sleep peacefully with the rest of the guys. And then they whisper and look at each other.

The biggest plus of such camps is constant activity and visiting circles. Nowadays, any interest groups cost a lot of money. And then it was free, in the air and in the company of comrades. Of course, the children were not very happy with this either. But at the same time, they liked it.

Persistent activity, revealing different sides of the growing personality, can not negatively affect it. Therefore, despite the child’s stubbornness and pampering, after the summer holidays, the children happily remembered their rich and adventurous summer in the pioneer camp.
Thanks to the nostalgic memories of the older generation, young people have a chance to see and feel the atmosphere of the times when summer camp was something special. Unfortunately, initiatives such as free nature camps have become a rarity. And all the mugs that were freely available became a luxury for parents and a rarity for children.
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