The washing machine in the kitchen is installed not by kolkhozniks, but by housewives-coats, we discuss a comfortable modern kitchen.

Comfortable kitchenWhat is she like? Modern, high-tech components and only chrome dishes, which is easier to buy a new one than to wash? Or, conversely, aspiring to the origins: a classic room with ageless repairs, which is already sad to look at, but convenient to clean and in general “this is for centuries”?

Naturally, with the passage of time, the interior also changes. The room in which it is customary to cook food is also undergoing some changes. How to find this balance so that the kitchen is comfortable and beautiful? To rejoice the eye, but if necessary, it could accommodate a sufficient number of people and, most importantly, quickly prepare all these people a hearty and high-quality dinner? Let's try to figure it out.

Comfortable kitchen First rule. Embedding, saving. It is no secret that in most domestic apartments, the kitchen does not take up too much space. Apparently, the logic of the designers was: cook food, eat quickly and go to bed. Or go to work. Well, what else to saline, it's like a bathroom or a toilet. You've done your job, walk boldly. Better make the rooms more spacious.

It's not like that. All receptions or celebrations took place in the kitchen in a close friendly circle. And evening talk about life and all that stuff. Accordingly, for a modern convenient kitchen, we recommend using hardwareTo save space. The shelves are also not too large, as is the stove. Is it worth considering whether an ordinary family needs a huge amount of dishes?

Second rule. Powerful hood. Continuing the topic of gatherings in the kitchen, it should be noted that you still want to surprise guests. New furniture, a good refrigerator or modern appliances – this is understandable. But it's kind of an obvious fact, we all try to buy relevant things. What else?

Extract! Yeah, it's not a typo. The fact is that a good hood is the key to clean air in the room. That is, it will always be comfortable to be in the kitchen, even if someone present has the habit of getting up. Moreover, a high-quality hood immediately absorbs steam impregnated with fat particles. So the room itself is not covered with a thin sticky layer. This is a big problem for people who don’t often clean the kitchen.

Third rule. Professional furniture. Earlier, I remember, many made furniture with their own hands or ordered non-standard sets from masters. Things made of glue and chips do not cause any positive impression at all. They're just not beautiful. Moreover, over time, this glue can even release toxins that are bad for our body.

Today, most people prefer not to save on furniture. It is better to go to the store and get ready. Yes, a budget option is possible, so what? This is better than the alternative described above. Even the famous IKEA, which offers ready-made options similar to each other, will look good.

Fourth rule. Wiring. Even in multi-room apartments, sometimes you want to sit away from everyone. Make yourself a sandwich with tea, relax and watch something on the tablet or just look out the window. This is normal, in the kitchen it often happens.

But to charge the necessary household appliances, connect something and so on, we will need sockets. And the old wiring does not always cope with a lot of stress. So yes. We need to call the electricians. This applies to all rooms in the apartment. 21st century in the yard, electrical appliances are used many times more. The sockets are the same. Don't do that.

Fifth rule. Material. The table top is often interpreted as the heart of the kitchen. It is logical, because most of the various operations are done on it: they cut vegetables and meat, prepare ingredients for dishes, just put kitchen utensils and dirty dishes on it. In short, the countertop must be reliable, beautiful and durable. To look at her and be proud.

Most often, an artificial stone is taken for decoration. This is a very good, strong material. In its reliability, it is not inferior to marble or granite. It's a lot cheaper. In addition, it is less expensive to care for, plus this material is easier to make some irregular, non-standard shape. As you can see, it's a plus.

If you want to remake the kitchen completely for yourself, pay attention to the color of the walls and furniture. They should not contrast, visually reduce space, or focus on dust, for example. We can change a lot of interesting things, but only if we know exactly what we need. And for a standard and comfortable kitchen, the tips given above are also useful.


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