Even if a woman looks great, there are habits that give her age worse than wrinkles.

A woman's fate is not easy. What can we say about wise women? They try to have time on all fronts: and work for three, and look good, and raise children, and the family nest to warm. Surprisingly, many people succeed. Of course, this does not happen without consequences. Usually the mood and mental state suffer. Often comes the banal burnout.

These women know how to balance all aspects of life. They set priorities, aligning all their tasks according to the level of importance. And of course, for all women, completely different things are important. Someone puts family first, someone - work, and some - appearance.

Perhaps the first bad habit that betrays a woman’s age is to ignore everything modern. Conservation is good in some aspects of life. Sometimes, for example, in cooking it is useful to go back to the old traditions and honor them. But in terms of appearance, it is better to at least one eye to follow new trends.

Sometimes women even like something new and fashionable, but they can’t afford it. And it's not about the money. There are boundaries in our consciousness. These boundaries often tell us silly things like that we are too old for certain modern things.

You can't wear that blouse. The color is too bright, and the style is too frank. You don't wear that at your age. Quiet!

These words should be forgotten once and for all. It is this attitude that ages a woman the most. Man is a creature of progress and continuous development. Everything in this world is changing, and it’s normal to try to keep up with the times. These attempts are not always successful or successful. But most importantly, these attempts exist.

Savings and priorities The second sign of age is eternal saving on yourself and the desire to do everyone well. It is necessary to accept as a fact that it is impossible to manage everything and make everyone happy. Stop working for others by putting yourself in the last place. A striking example: a woman spends her last money on something for the house, for her husband or for her children, when she herself has long needed new boots.

Of course, there are different cases. But I've often noticed that women do this even when no one wants them to. This is partly due to the desire to attract attention. edakaya testimonial It's like, "I'm here, look at me, I exist." I want care, attention and love too!

Unfortunately, it usually works the other way around. The family and others get used to the fact that the young lady always takes everything on herself, and begin to take it for granted, without gratitude and love. But those girls who put themselves and their true desires first receive a huge dose of love. They know what they want, they look good, and they pay little attention to the opinions of others.

Poor women who go out of their way to please someone through their labor and sacrifice are mostly pity. And pity won't keep anyone around for long. Unfortunately, pity is a toxic feeling. It stands next to the guilt. When we spend a long time with someone who causes our pity, we begin to feel guilty. No one wants to feel guilty forever.

I often remember my grandmother and how she lived. She devoted herself to others as if she were a saint. But that’s not all she really wanted. At the end of her life, she told me how much she regretted not going anywhere, not doing anything for herself.

I was so sad to hear such stories. My grandmother knew that her whole life was not in vain. Her help has helped children a lot, but You could do much less to get the same result. The grandmother understood that she could safely put herself in priority even when the children reached adulthood, and little would have changed. Perhaps they would become independent and independent faster. She would have had the opportunity to live for herself.

What can we say about wise women? They know when to stop.


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