A friend of the cook from the school cafeteria told how to fry cakes so they never burn

A cake is a dish that is eaten quickly and with pleasure. But, unfortunately, cooking cakes is not an easy task. It requires a sufficient amount of time and skill. And a lot of young housewives don't have one. Therefore, in the article we will tell you how to properly fry cakes in a pan.

Peels Preparation of cakes First you need to choose the right pan. For cakes, the ideal option would be a wide vessel with a thick bottom and high walls. Because it should fit the bulk products. It is desirable that the pan has an anti-stick coating.

Peels No less important role is played by the selection of vegetable oil. There's no need to skimp on that. It is much better to buy expensive but good oil. It is one in which there are no excess tastes or smells.

Peels Preparation of cakes Before placing cakes on a pan, that first needs to be warmed very well. It warms up with oil and on a very decent fire. When the oil reaches the boiling stage, you need to reduce the fire. Then you can start cooking cakes.

The Peels are simple. When the crust appears, you can turn the cakes over. You need to spend 3-4 minutes on each side. But no more. Repeat this several times later. Since this frequent action will provide a good roasting. And at the same time will not allow the cakes to burn or burn.

Peels Before the cakes are finally prepared, the pan can be covered with a lid, and the fire in the fork can be reduced at times.

Thus, excellent cakes are prepared in oil. They will be well-fried, delicious and juicy.

Before cooking cakes in oil, it is worth considering that such food may not be suitable for everyone. If after eating cakes on the oil you feel discomfort, it is better to go to cooking cakes in the oven or on the water.

Tell us about your cooking method in the comments.