What is the cardinal difference between how the older and modern generations behave in a restaurant, and which of them is better educated?

When it comes to the difference between the older and younger generations, the topic of culture and upbringing always comes up. Most often, one hears the opinion that young people do not behave properly and do not show enough respect for older people. But is that true? And can we really say that the education of the modern generation is much inferior to the past? Let’s take an example from a restaurant.

Working in the restaurant Waitress Victoria that evening worked for a couple with Marina. They served a hall where large companies and families sat. The restaurant they worked at wasn't big.

But it was popular with residents of the nearby sleeping area. Therefore, if someone has a birthday or other event, there was a high probability that this place would be chosen for the celebration.

Even though it was Friday night, the room was not full. Two groups sat at two opposite tables. On the left were the young people who looked the most like students. They are the people of the older generation.

Peels Victoria served these two tables. She noted that more food was ordered by older people. The “students” had a small amount of food. But that didn't seem to embarrass them or interfere with good communication.

Both tables were freed at about the same time, before closing. Throughout the evening, the “students” and “seniors” did not interact with each other. However, that didn't stop Victoria from seeing a big difference in her clients.

When everyone paid off and left, the waitresses saw this. The table where the students sat was almost clean. Only a slide of neatly folded dishes said that this table has not yet been removed. At the same time, the picture was not particularly happy: plates, napkins and all the rest of the dishes remained in place. Pieces of food and bright spots from the juice were visible next to the glasses. And it was all on the table of people who tend to see themselves as more cultured and respected than the younger generation.

For Victoria, it was obvious that raising a modern generation in this situation is much better than raising an older one. How else to explain this picture? Marina partially agreed with Victoria while she shared her thoughts with her.

But at the same time, she didn’t like it when clients did her job. At least partially. It was much more important for her to do as much as she needed and eventually get tipped. And with customers who “help”, it is not a fact that an extra ruble will appear in the wallet.

Peels Life Wisdom: What Does This Story Teach Us? No matter how corny it may sound, it is not age and not belonging to a certain generation that determine the measure of upbringing. The main role is played by the family environment and parents who teach their children and set an example for them.

If the example is good, then a person will behave decently with everyone. If a person has not received proper education and managed to become part of the older generation, this does not automatically make him a more cultured or educated person. Everyone, regardless of age, deserves the same respect. And everyone should show it to others.


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