Lazy Napoleon for housewives who do not want to stand at the stove all day on December 31

Homemade cakes for the New Year - a mandatory element of the festive feast. Appetite dessert is eagerly awaited by adults and children, so you need to try hard and make a truly unforgettable sweetness. We offer you a recipe for Napoleon, which will surely win the heart of every guest. We assure you, no one will stop at one piece.

Homemade cakes for the New Year This recipe does not provide for a long fuss with the dough, as the best solution is to buy a ready-made layer dough in the store. So you will save time on making a cake and be able to competently spend it on other cares. Prepare yourself to look like Napoleon. oddly.

The ingredients
  • 600g finished puff dough
  • 300 ml of milk
  • 300ml cream
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 50g butter
  • 10g vanilla sugar
  • 1 tbsp powdered sugar

Favourite treat Preparation
  1. Before you start preparing the cream, be sure to prepare the dough for baking. To defrost it, send the cakes to the refrigerator for a while. And make sure you have molds with a diameter of 8-10 cm. They will help cut out small round pieces from the dough.
  2. Prepare a pot or potteryPour the milk and bring it to a boil. In a separate container, combine eggs, sugar, starch and vanilla sugar. Stir everything well, and then pour hot milk into a container with an egg-sugar mixture. Keep in mind that the milk should be brought to a boil, but do not allow it to boil.

As soon as you stir the milk with eggs and sugar, pour the components back into a pot with a thick bottom and continue to cook the cream. This should be done on medium heat before thickening of the cream. And don't forget to stir the mixture all the time. nothing burned. Once the cream is thick enough, turn off the stove and add melted butter to it. Stir the mixture to uniformity. The finished cream is poured into a deep bowl, cover with food film and send to the refrigerator as soon as the mixture cools. With the help of a mold of a suitable diameter, cut circles from the layered dough about 8-10 cm. Cover the pot with parchment, put the dough on it and send it to bake for 20 minutes. Note that it is necessary to preheat the oven to 200 degrees and choose the baking mode "up-down" to baked goods smoothly and blustered.

Ready-cooled cakes should be divided into two parts. Don't forget to do it too. leftover ready-made dough for decoration. Mix the chilled cream with powdered sugar and start whipping the mixture with a mixer, gradually pouring custard. Try to get the most uniform and lush condition of the cream. As you already understand, dear subscriber, this Napoleon looks more like cakes or cupcakes, but this does not make it less tasty. Miss some of the puff dough with custard and decorate as you like. You can in addition to the usual crumb add pieces of fruit, melted chocolate, coconut shavings or waffle crumb. It is up to you to decide what kind of Napoleon you want to treat your guests to. Before serving put the cake in the fridge at least 2 hours.

Agree, homemade cakes for the New Year are prepared by many, but this recipe has a serious advantage. Namely, space-saving on the festive table. You can make a huge number of small cakes and quickly serve them for sweets to each guest in a separate plate. No need to cut anything, look for space for large containers, try to put everything on a small table. Convenient and practical.

If you have any questions, watch the tips for the preparation of the air "Napoleon" on the channel "Lazy recipes with Anna Dashevskaya". The cake, prepared according to this recipe, will appeal to both guests and owners of the house so much that in the future it will be possible to meet only him on the festive table. A real extravaganza of favorite taste, lightness, tenderness.

We have already published recipes for incredibly delicious festive dishes. There are fragrant pastries, hearty smears for sandwiches, meat dishes and even cucumber rolls. Recipes for every taste and purse, which will please even the picky guests. Be sure to please your beloved family with these gastronomic graces.


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