My beloved said that he will celebrate the New Year in a friendly men’s company, I do not take, so that I do not get bored there.
“In summing up this year, I always remember the celebration that changed my life. As I remember now: I am 19 years old, sitting alone in the whole hostel on New Year’s Eve, and I can’t imagine that I was abandoned. How am I going to meet the New Year alone? - then I was broken, says Natalia.
People grow up when faced with difficulties, betrayal and stop believing in a fairy tale. And sometimes you want a New Year’s miracle, and deep down, even the most cynical person wants to believe that a miracle exists. That all the wishes will come true, and the New Year will give new opportunities and true love.
I’ve always loved New Year’s Eve. Before I moved to another city, I always celebrated this holiday with my family. I dated a guy for six months in 2nd year for six months. I really wanted to celebrate the New Year with him. And on December 31, Vanya said that every year he celebrates with his friends in the bath, and that I can not go with him.
I was so offended by him for leaving me alone on New Year's Eve. I was outraged and told him that if he didn’t want to celebrate with me, he should never call me again. And when he left, I was still hoping that Vanya would change her mind, ask me for forgiveness. But he didn't call again.
A few people from the university called to celebrate the New Year with them, but I was so upset that I didn't want to see anyone. At midnight, I drank a glass of wine and was going to go to bed, but fireworks began to rattle around, the fun was just beginning. Dressed warmly, I decided to go outside and admire the bright lights. When I left the room, I met Santa Claus in the corridor.”
He was the most popular guy at the university, Maxima everyone knew, he was a frequenter of all parties. And now he's in Santa Claus' outfit with a big bag of candy standing there smiling at me: Happy New Year! Hold the chocolate, I was filled with emotions, suddenly tears splashed from my eyes.
“How can you cry in the New Year?” This is illegal and outrageous! The main thing is not to go to bed in a bad mood. Remember all the good things that happened last year. Leave all the troubles behind, and take with you in the coming year only your sweet smile and the most secret dreams. I listened to his words about a happy future and completely forgot that I had just wept on his shoulder. I wiped my tears and made a wish: “I want to meet my love.”
In the morning I felt better, I stopped thinking about Van. And a few months later, I ran into a nice guy on the bus. And then we waited together for a stopover. It was so embarrassing that we decided to exchange phones. Now I'm married to this guy, we have a baby. I remember Maxim and his kind words when I am sad, and every New Year I thank him mentally for his support. I saw him in town recently. But he didn't recognize me. Who would have thought he would make me happy?
Life's wisdom and editorial advice Life doesn't always turn out the way we want it to. Sometimes all plans are canceled in an instant, and the future is unpredictable. Who knows what would have happened to Natasha if she had not parted with Vanya? Would she be happy? When everything collapses at once, it means that the old will always be replaced by the new: new friends, acquaintances, loved ones.
Only a positive attitude and faith in a happy future helps a person to keep afloat. The main thing is to believe in yourself, to know that life will be as it should be. In contrast to trouble, there are always happy moments. A fairy tale exists if we want it.
People grow up when faced with difficulties, betrayal and stop believing in a fairy tale. And sometimes you want a New Year’s miracle, and deep down, even the most cynical person wants to believe that a miracle exists. That all the wishes will come true, and the New Year will give new opportunities and true love.

I’ve always loved New Year’s Eve. Before I moved to another city, I always celebrated this holiday with my family. I dated a guy for six months in 2nd year for six months. I really wanted to celebrate the New Year with him. And on December 31, Vanya said that every year he celebrates with his friends in the bath, and that I can not go with him.

I was so offended by him for leaving me alone on New Year's Eve. I was outraged and told him that if he didn’t want to celebrate with me, he should never call me again. And when he left, I was still hoping that Vanya would change her mind, ask me for forgiveness. But he didn't call again.

A few people from the university called to celebrate the New Year with them, but I was so upset that I didn't want to see anyone. At midnight, I drank a glass of wine and was going to go to bed, but fireworks began to rattle around, the fun was just beginning. Dressed warmly, I decided to go outside and admire the bright lights. When I left the room, I met Santa Claus in the corridor.”
He was the most popular guy at the university, Maxima everyone knew, he was a frequenter of all parties. And now he's in Santa Claus' outfit with a big bag of candy standing there smiling at me: Happy New Year! Hold the chocolate, I was filled with emotions, suddenly tears splashed from my eyes.

“How can you cry in the New Year?” This is illegal and outrageous! The main thing is not to go to bed in a bad mood. Remember all the good things that happened last year. Leave all the troubles behind, and take with you in the coming year only your sweet smile and the most secret dreams. I listened to his words about a happy future and completely forgot that I had just wept on his shoulder. I wiped my tears and made a wish: “I want to meet my love.”

In the morning I felt better, I stopped thinking about Van. And a few months later, I ran into a nice guy on the bus. And then we waited together for a stopover. It was so embarrassing that we decided to exchange phones. Now I'm married to this guy, we have a baby. I remember Maxim and his kind words when I am sad, and every New Year I thank him mentally for his support. I saw him in town recently. But he didn't recognize me. Who would have thought he would make me happy?
Life's wisdom and editorial advice Life doesn't always turn out the way we want it to. Sometimes all plans are canceled in an instant, and the future is unpredictable. Who knows what would have happened to Natasha if she had not parted with Vanya? Would she be happy? When everything collapses at once, it means that the old will always be replaced by the new: new friends, acquaintances, loved ones.
Only a positive attitude and faith in a happy future helps a person to keep afloat. The main thing is to believe in yourself, to know that life will be as it should be. In contrast to trouble, there are always happy moments. A fairy tale exists if we want it.
I hurriedly throw away the food that my daughter-in-law prepares, like a selfless mother of the family, I cook for everyone by myself.
Visiting neighbors put a bag of garbage on the landing, it always leaks, no longer have the strength to clean the entrance.