Pledging to give her old clothes even to her closest relatives, Vanga would not approve of such generosity.

Personal belongings of a person are literally permeated with his energy. Many believe this, and therefore do not rush to give these items to anyone. There is some truth in this, because every thing that we have long worn on our body or actively used, It preserves a part of us.

On the one hand, most of us understand that it is not worth believing in superstitions. And in principle, it is undesirable to take such things too seriously. On the other hand, following some of the prejudices makes sense. As a child. Our grandmothers and mothers were very active.That something bad could happen if, for example, we passed something across a threshold or sat at a corner of a table.

Even as an adult and a rational person, we are often We have anxiety attacks.When we act against these unwritten rules. So why not save yourself from unpleasant sensations?

Many superstitions concern personal belongings, their proper storage and disposal when they become unnecessary. Now, in the era of overabundance of everything, the question of where to put extra things, is especially acute. Old combs, clothes, household items... All this accumulates and clutters the space. Unfortunately, some people They have difficulty parting with almost anything they own.

We have all seen the apartments of grandmothers, in which there is practically no room for a person - everything is filled with some kind of junk. Of course, all this is preserved under the favorite pretext: "It will definitely come in handy someday.". Only years pass, things accumulate, and then the time does not come. Time to crack!

So, what should not be given to someone when shattering and why:

  1. It is very undesirable to give to someone. Items that touched your head or hair. This list includes both headgear and all sorts of combs, hairpins. Secondary use of these household items by someone else can bring trouble like headaches and reduced mood.

  2. The second taboo is those objects that touched your chest area. Any clothing that is close to the body should not be given to others. It is said that this is where the energy is strongest.
  3. Of course, underwear Also banned. Here you can find not only esoteric causes, but also the most banal physical, such as personal hygiene. Underground should only be discarded or given for recycling, if you have the opportunity.
  4. I don't recommend recooking yet. bags and purses. Now many people do not use paper money, so these things are lying around at home idle. Naturally, I want to get rid of them as soon as possible. If this is relevant for you, you should think about how you can adapt old wallets for other needs. Some people argue that it is better to burn an old wallet.

  5. Bed linen It should be sent to a dumpster or a recycling point. It is widely believed that it is responsible for the well-being and peace in the family.
  6. People don’t get rid of mirrors very often. And yet it is worth remembering that they can not be given to other people for use. The mirror is considered a truly mystical object.It can draw beauty or even vitality. Some mystics argue that an old mirror is better broken and thrown out.

It does not matter what you follow: esoteric, practical approach or pure logic when disposing of personal belongings. The main thing is that after that you feel good inside. If your method relieves anxiety and gives calmness, then it suits you.


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