My lemons in boiling water to make lemon smear according to my mother's recipe, in winter you can not do without it

I really like a variety of breads. Especially when they are simple, delicious and do not require any special ingredients. The heroine of today’s article is exactly that. On cold winter evenings, this snack will please you with an invigorating citrus aroma, and for its preparation you will need only three components: grated lemon, sugar and butter.

Grated lemon ingredients
  • 1 lemon
  • 100g butter
  • 2.5 tbsp sugar

  1. Wash the lemon in hot water. It is no secret that imported fruits often undergo chemical treatment to extend the shelf life and give them a more beautiful look. So you can use caution.

  2. Now the lemon needs to be crushed. If there is a blender, cut it together with the skin into small pieces and pass through a household appliance, choosing the bones.

  3. If there is no blender, the lemon can be grated. But with fresh fruit, you are unlikely to succeed: there will be more splashes than grated lemon. So use the lemon from the freezer.

  4. Soft oil from the refrigerator can be melted to mix with lemon. I had the butter in the freezer, and I was more comfortable rubbing it on a large grater.

  5. Pour the lemon and butter with sugar and stir until homogeneous. If desired, replace sugar with honey. It'll taste even better.

  6. Let the mixture stand a little warm, then transfer to a jar with a tightly closing lid and send to the refrigerator.
  7. Serve the finished smear for tea with biscuits or with white bread. The acidity of the lemon shades the sweetness of the oil, and the softness of the oil softens the sharpness of the lemon. As a result, we get a tasty and healthy addition to tea, which is much tastier than regular oil.

  8. Bon appetit and good health!

Lemons with sugar for the winter are a vitamin preparation that will help you out during colds. It retains the entire supply of vitamins, can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 to 8 months and invariably conquers a pleasant citrus aroma. In addition, this recipe allows you to use lemons much more economically than usual. They no longer dry and rot on the table, waiting for the next tea party.


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