A meticulous seller in the market taught how to distinguish “meyer lemon” from ordinary lemon, I spend money only on the best citrus fruits.
I have to admit, I didn’t pay attention to it before. lemons I bought what I found in the store. The fruit served its main function in my dishes, and that was enough for me. However, after comparing several varieties of yellow, I came to the conclusion that the variety is of great importance. The highlight of today's program. Meyer lemonA well-deserved reputation. What distinguishes him from the rest, you will learn today. At the end of the article, I will tell you how to choose a ripe fruit.
Most often in shops and on the market you can find lemons "Lisbon". The fruits of this variety grow on a lemon tree, and in appearance they are difficult to confuse with something else.
In ordinary lemons, a rich yellow color and a thick textured peel. In shape they are more elongated than round. On two or one side of the fruit there is a pronounced elongated lemon nose. In their taste characteristics, they are significantly inferior to the lemons of “meyer”.
This is a hybrid of lemon and orange, the variety is grown in the form of decorative bushes. The variety is suitable for growing at home for many reasons. First, lemon bushes are compact and take up little space. Secondly, they are not afraid of sudden temperature changes, despite the exoticity of this fruit.
By their external characteristics, lemons “meyer” differ in color, shape, and size. These are small round fruits of a dark yellow, and sometimes almost orange hue. The skin is smooth and thin, and the taste is pleasant and sweet. Many people compare the taste of lemon of this variety with ripe orange.
But the lemons "Lisbon" taste very sour. For this reason, for the preparation of various dishes, experienced housewives use lemons "meyer", not ordinary. The delicate lemon juice is suitable for creamy sauces, lemon ice cream and creams. In addition, the lemon "meyer" in its pure form can be easily added to fruit or vegetable salad.
But if you need a peel of lemon, then I advise you to buy ordinary lemons of the “Lisbon” variety. It is much more convenient to rub, because the skin of the fruit is denser.
As a rule, ordinary lemons are not very expensive. But the price of lemons "meyer" is always much higher. This is due not only to the fact that the hybrid variety is simply tastier, but also to the fact that transportation of this variety is more difficult. The problem is too thin and delicate peel of fruits, which is why it is easily damaged during transportation.
It's very easy to make sure. It is enough to go to any store and find meyer lemons there. Often they do not have the most commercial appearance. However, this does not affect their taste.
When buying lemons, first of all pay attention to the peel of the fruit. There can be no damage on it, and its color should be monochromatic, without stains. The ripe lemon has a bright yellow hue and a pleasant rich aroma. In addition, ripe fruits always shine, and immature, on the contrary, more matte.
If you are going to use lemon immediately after buying, you can choose a slightly soft fruit - it has more juice. For long-term storage, more dense and hard fruits are suitable. If the lemon is too soft, it means that it is overripe. The benefits of such fruit will be much less than from ripe.
Now you know that taste and use cases depend on the variety of lemons. Try comparing a regular lemon to a meyer lemon. Or better yet, immediately prepare some dish with sour fruit. Our editorial staff especially loved the pie with lemon filling from the series Desperate Housewives.
I like to drink a glass of hot water with lemon in the morning. About whether it is right to do and who should not drink such water, wrote my colleague Vita Watchman. Sharing the material at the link.
What lemons do you like?

Most often in shops and on the market you can find lemons "Lisbon". The fruits of this variety grow on a lemon tree, and in appearance they are difficult to confuse with something else.
In ordinary lemons, a rich yellow color and a thick textured peel. In shape they are more elongated than round. On two or one side of the fruit there is a pronounced elongated lemon nose. In their taste characteristics, they are significantly inferior to the lemons of “meyer”.
This is a hybrid of lemon and orange, the variety is grown in the form of decorative bushes. The variety is suitable for growing at home for many reasons. First, lemon bushes are compact and take up little space. Secondly, they are not afraid of sudden temperature changes, despite the exoticity of this fruit.
By their external characteristics, lemons “meyer” differ in color, shape, and size. These are small round fruits of a dark yellow, and sometimes almost orange hue. The skin is smooth and thin, and the taste is pleasant and sweet. Many people compare the taste of lemon of this variety with ripe orange.

But the lemons "Lisbon" taste very sour. For this reason, for the preparation of various dishes, experienced housewives use lemons "meyer", not ordinary. The delicate lemon juice is suitable for creamy sauces, lemon ice cream and creams. In addition, the lemon "meyer" in its pure form can be easily added to fruit or vegetable salad.
But if you need a peel of lemon, then I advise you to buy ordinary lemons of the “Lisbon” variety. It is much more convenient to rub, because the skin of the fruit is denser.
As a rule, ordinary lemons are not very expensive. But the price of lemons "meyer" is always much higher. This is due not only to the fact that the hybrid variety is simply tastier, but also to the fact that transportation of this variety is more difficult. The problem is too thin and delicate peel of fruits, which is why it is easily damaged during transportation.
It's very easy to make sure. It is enough to go to any store and find meyer lemons there. Often they do not have the most commercial appearance. However, this does not affect their taste.
When buying lemons, first of all pay attention to the peel of the fruit. There can be no damage on it, and its color should be monochromatic, without stains. The ripe lemon has a bright yellow hue and a pleasant rich aroma. In addition, ripe fruits always shine, and immature, on the contrary, more matte.

If you are going to use lemon immediately after buying, you can choose a slightly soft fruit - it has more juice. For long-term storage, more dense and hard fruits are suitable. If the lemon is too soft, it means that it is overripe. The benefits of such fruit will be much less than from ripe.
Now you know that taste and use cases depend on the variety of lemons. Try comparing a regular lemon to a meyer lemon. Or better yet, immediately prepare some dish with sour fruit. Our editorial staff especially loved the pie with lemon filling from the series Desperate Housewives.

I like to drink a glass of hot water with lemon in the morning. About whether it is right to do and who should not drink such water, wrote my colleague Vita Watchman. Sharing the material at the link.
What lemons do you like?
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