Find 12 items on a three-minute 'Night Hunt' to slow brain aging

The search for hidden objects develops observation, figurative thinking and the ability to highlight small details. Where to start? First, find the hidden objects in our picture.

According to statistics, only one in twenty readers can cope with this task! In the picture, you need to find 12 items at once, which, admittedly, are hidden quite deftly.

Therefore, even the most attentive will have to use their strong qualities to find each item. So, try to find in the interweaving of lines kite, sailboat, fish, boot, brush, bird, shoe, crown, needle, spoon, snake and banana.

The time to complete the task is 3 minutes. We will share the correct answers at the end of the article. Although it will be more interesting, of course, to cope without prompts.

Hints Spoon I was the first person to see it (quite curiously, that speaks to my character). It is formed by lines on the bark in the upper right corner. A little below and to the right of the spoon tries to grab the invisible prey snake.

Peels A kite It is cleverly hidden in the intersection of the branches of the left tree. The nearest bird is looking at him. And almost touches the beak. shoe.

At the same height as the kite, but on the other side of the barrel is easy to guess silhouette. If you go higher on the trunk, then over the lower left bitch will be brush. And just above the owl wing, sail.

You can see under the same wing. black-foot. A little higher from the branch hangs toothed crown. needle and banana They are located in close proximity to the hollow. Here. fish I had to look the longest. Looks like she's trying to get in her shoe.

Did you manage to find all the items? If so, you are a very attentive person. Do not forget to share this task with loved ones – let them test themselves and their abilities.

Age dictates its own laws. And the elderly are no longer able to do much. But the brain is the same as our muscles: it needs to be constantly trained to keep it on track. This is confirmed by the head of the Brain Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician Natalia Bekhtereva. In her opinion, intellectual tasks not only slow down brain aging, but can significantly extend life.


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