I will prove that the trucker is the most difficult job, you do not need to compare the trip with sitting on the couch.
Transportation of large goods over long distances is becoming increasingly popular due to the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Firms are convenient to order transportation of relatively small volumes of cargo at any time, since the schedule of truckers is floating. The life of a trucker is not easy, assure those who have faced this profession. Today we will talk about how truckers live, and how American “slippers” differ from ordinary tractors.
Truckers literally live in their trucks. This seems to be a significant limitation in terms of showering, cooking and rest. At the disposal of the truck driver only a cab with a driver's seat and a small bed behind it. Truckers stop at special parking lots (truck stop). There they can take a shower, eat and relax, and then go on another flight.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
The job of a trucker is not just to spin the ram 24/7. The trucker must accept the cargo, check all the documentation on it, and sometimes help load and unload what he is lucky, although this is not his responsibility. This is what happens in post-Soviet countries.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
The American trucker does not repair anything. In case of failure, he calls the appropriate service. The employer without deduction of salary changes uncomfortable seating or scratched glass in the truck. Salary for truckers is $8,000 a year, and those who own their own truck earn twice as much. What route the trucker will go is his choice, the main thing is to deliver the cargo on time.
American drivers of so-called “slippers” do not experience inconveniences. In America, the length of the road train is not limited, so truckers in the United States go not just in tractors, but in real houses on wheels. Americans sometimes buy such houses on credit, and at work a trucker beats the purchase price for a couple of months. Some go on flights with their pets, and some whole families.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
For the trucker, the truck is a tool, not entertainment. In order to withstand many hours of travel, a person must rest well and eat well. Many truckers do not have the opportunity to prepare a full meal due to the lack of equipment. They often eat fast food at gas stations and have digestive problems. While American truckers in their “slipper” can cook homemade food, wash in the shower without leaving the truck, and sleep on a double bed.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Inside the “slipper” there is everything you need for life: a small kitchen with an oven and stove, there is a sink, lockers for things, a shower and a toilet. Some truckers upgrade their own “slippers” for themselves. Larry Hendrix and his wife have been living in the truck for 26 years. A man who recently turned 74 has just bought a motorcycle and is set to install a ramp on the track for him.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Having an idea of the design of the truck and the ability to repair a breakdown on the road is a significant plus. All these tasks do not fit well with a girl driving, and employers do not take seriously women who come to get a job. In fact, there are both women and men among truckers. It is preferable for an employer to hire a man 35-50 years old with experience. But women can also do this kind of work.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Julia Lazareva has been a trucker for 6 years. On the channel Nastya Fog, the girl told about how her working day goes: When I called about the vacancy, employers laughed and refused me. And there is nothing difficult in the work of a trucker, says Julia. The girl knows how to repair her truck and is sincerely happy with her chosen profession. About why we do not have “slippers” and what trucks are most comfortable to drive, Julia tells in the video.
Truckers make good money. But do not forget that they do not have much time for personal life. Except to take a few hours off and freshen up. Of course, over time, the profession can get bored or the person will want something more. Then you can buy your own transport and go to a new level.

Truckers literally live in their trucks. This seems to be a significant limitation in terms of showering, cooking and rest. At the disposal of the truck driver only a cab with a driver's seat and a small bed behind it. Truckers stop at special parking lots (truck stop). There they can take a shower, eat and relax, and then go on another flight.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
The job of a trucker is not just to spin the ram 24/7. The trucker must accept the cargo, check all the documentation on it, and sometimes help load and unload what he is lucky, although this is not his responsibility. This is what happens in post-Soviet countries.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
The American trucker does not repair anything. In case of failure, he calls the appropriate service. The employer without deduction of salary changes uncomfortable seating or scratched glass in the truck. Salary for truckers is $8,000 a year, and those who own their own truck earn twice as much. What route the trucker will go is his choice, the main thing is to deliver the cargo on time.
American drivers of so-called “slippers” do not experience inconveniences. In America, the length of the road train is not limited, so truckers in the United States go not just in tractors, but in real houses on wheels. Americans sometimes buy such houses on credit, and at work a trucker beats the purchase price for a couple of months. Some go on flights with their pets, and some whole families.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
For the trucker, the truck is a tool, not entertainment. In order to withstand many hours of travel, a person must rest well and eat well. Many truckers do not have the opportunity to prepare a full meal due to the lack of equipment. They often eat fast food at gas stations and have digestive problems. While American truckers in their “slipper” can cook homemade food, wash in the shower without leaving the truck, and sleep on a double bed.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Inside the “slipper” there is everything you need for life: a small kitchen with an oven and stove, there is a sink, lockers for things, a shower and a toilet. Some truckers upgrade their own “slippers” for themselves. Larry Hendrix and his wife have been living in the truck for 26 years. A man who recently turned 74 has just bought a motorcycle and is set to install a ramp on the track for him.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Having an idea of the design of the truck and the ability to repair a breakdown on the road is a significant plus. All these tasks do not fit well with a girl driving, and employers do not take seriously women who come to get a job. In fact, there are both women and men among truckers. It is preferable for an employer to hire a man 35-50 years old with experience. But women can also do this kind of work.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Julia Lazareva has been a trucker for 6 years. On the channel Nastya Fog, the girl told about how her working day goes: When I called about the vacancy, employers laughed and refused me. And there is nothing difficult in the work of a trucker, says Julia. The girl knows how to repair her truck and is sincerely happy with her chosen profession. About why we do not have “slippers” and what trucks are most comfortable to drive, Julia tells in the video.
Truckers make good money. But do not forget that they do not have much time for personal life. Except to take a few hours off and freshen up. Of course, over time, the profession can get bored or the person will want something more. Then you can buy your own transport and go to a new level.
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