What to do if the oil bottle is always salty and unsightly

Vegetable oil stain It always comes out very unexpectedly. Each hostess carefully ensures that not a drop of this fragrant liquid spills past a plate of salad or any other food. But sometimes a bottle or a lid fails. Then not only do stains appear on the clothes, but the bottle itself becomes sticky, and the place where it is usually stored. So how do we fix this?

A stain from vegetable oil "Be careful to cast," someone will say. Of course, but only embarrassment can happen even in the most sensitive hostess. The oil is very viscous and spills exactly when you do not expect it. What can be done in this case? Perhaps, wipe the bottle so that drops of vegetable liquid do not spread over the surface of the kitchen set. It's a case like this. wipe out.

Some ladies are not limited to one-time use of a napkin. They're trying to fix that napkin. bottleneck. There is a reasonable grain in this, because drops of oil will linger on the napkin and not pollute the environment. But it is unlikely that such a clever device will last long.

Lean housewives offer to replace a paper napkin with cotton-plate. Then the bottle will remain clean and everything will look beautiful. The disk does not need to be attached to anything else. Just cut a hole equal to the diameter of the cork and carefully fasten the cotton disc on the bottle.

The Internet is full of videos that feature a cap for a bottle of oil. It prevents the transfusion of oil during transportation and during sale in the store. Many do not pay attention to it and immediately throw it away. But don’t rush to get rid of a really useful thing.

Try to gently get this plug, flip it over and place it inside the bottle. It should be uncomplicated. homemade dispenser for butter. Although not everyone likes such a life hack. Someone can push this plug inside the bottle, someone is unhappy with the amount of oil it misses, and someone does it by hand. It does not open anything, but simply makes a small hole some sharp object.

How to regulate the amount of oil? You just have to press the bottle itself. You put more effort and you get more oil, less effort, less oil. It's easy. You can experiment in your kitchen with such a life hack, but if you do not like this advice, then we offer a couple more. funky.

We understand that there are such owners that do not like to bother. Not everyone wants to waste time fussing with a bottle of vegetable oil so that it does not spill in any way. What should we do in such a case? You need to walk around the shops and look for special dispensers-stubs. There's no way they're gonna get away with it.

You can also use containers with a reverse drop effect. Such containers do not allow the liquid to get to the outside. The oil will not spill, and its residues will gradually return to the bottom of the bottle. Convenient and practical solution to the problem.

Creative advice to pacify naughty oil is enough. For example, you can not pour it into a special container, but take an ordinary glass or a small bowl. The oil is poured into a glass, and a silicone brush is used to apply it to the pan. Accordingly, pour The salad will help a regular spoon. Also, a good solution will be to move vegetable oil into a small teapot. Excess oil should not be spilled if you carefully monitor the nose of such a container.

Since a bottle of butter does give a blow, then you should definitely take care of a good stand for it. A small package of juice or plastic is perfect. sour-cap. Such designs will help any hostess, and they are not at all sorry to throw away. Just watch the amount of dirt on such homemade utensils and change it in time.

These useful ideas will help to remove vegetable-oil. Or, more precisely, to prevent its formation. Be sure to take note of at least one life hack or share your own. Tell our followers about your own kitchen tricks in the comments.


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