Nikolai Tsiskaridze from school was offered to go to the West, but he decided that he did not want to be an immigrant.
Behind the 47-year-old Nikolai Tsiskaridze many victories. The man became a world-class ballet star, shone on the best stages, received prestigious awards. Although many learned about it only through participation in the TV show “Dancing with the stars”.
So today's editorial office. "Site" He invites readers to learn more about Nikolai Tsiskaridze, whose biography is rich in interesting twists and turns. What does his last name mean? Why did he choose to dance? Why did he refuse to leave the country when he was called to the West?
Nikolai Tsiskaridze biography Nikolai was born on December 31, 1973. The mother of the future dancer at that time was already 42 years old, and doctors gave no chance of motherhood. But Lamara Nikolaevna, being a religious woman, convinced herself that she would definitely have a child. She went to temples and prayed. And her long-awaited son was born. Interestingly, the surname Tsiskaridze from Georgian translates as “first star”.
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Publication by Nikolai Tsiskaridze (@tsiskaridzenikolay)
In school years, Nicholas showed his best side. He was a very capable student, learning was easy for him, and teachers predicted a great future for the guy. Teachers were sure that he would definitely enter one of the leading universities in the country. The mother shared this sentiment and hoped that her son would become either a lawyer or a teacher. But it was different.
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Publication by Nikolai Tsiskaridze (@tsiskaridzenikolay)
One day, a ballet performance was shown on television, which Nicholas liked so much that he seriously wanted to be part of what was happening. Seeing an announcement near the local ballet school about the recruitment of students, 10-year-old Nikolai independently entered the competition, passed the selection, and only then told his mother about everything. She was not enthusiastic about this idea, but the teachers of the school managed to convince Lamar Nikolaevn.
Then there were trips to Moscow, where the guy was twice refused. But on the third attempt, the mother’s efforts were crowned with success, because Nicholas was able to see the talent. So Tsiskaridze was in the class of the outstanding ballet teacher Peter Pestov.
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Publication by Nikolai Tsiskaridze (@tsiskaridzenikolay)
From that moment, Nicholas’ journey to the top began. And here we must pay tribute to his mother, who for the sake of her son’s dream left a calm and measured life in Tbilisi to move to Moscow.
She did not want the child to be left alone and live in a boarding school. Therefore, at first the mother and son lived with relatives in the capital, and later rented housing. It is a pity that the woman could not see Nicholas on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. She passed away when the guy was only 21.
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Publication by Nikolai Tsiskaridze (@tsiskaridzenikolay)
Why Tsiskaridze did not leave Nikolai admitted that he was offered many times to go to the West, and this practice was quite popular at the time, many agreed. Tsiskaridze received such an offer in 1992, when the situation in the country was particularly difficult. There was not enough money, and the prospects seemed vague, because the artists were not needed.
However, in the same 1992, Nikolai came to the Bolshoi Theatre, which for him always seemed to be the top, and he considered it simply a strange decision to go somewhere. Moreover, Tsiskaridze himself never liked the position of an immigrant.
He explained that once he was in New York, where he visited old acquaintances from Tbilisi. The terrible conditions in which his well-to-do comrades lived in emigration, finally drove away from Tsiskaridze the idea of a possible move.
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Publication by Nikolai Tsiskaridze (@tsiskaridzenikolay)
Later, Nicholas was convinced that he had done the right thing. He still says that locals never take immigrants for their own. Neither the Germans, nor the British, nor the French even invite immigrants to visit. That is why it is only possible to communicate with each other. And Tsiskaridze never wanted such a boring life for himself.
So today's editorial office. "Site" He invites readers to learn more about Nikolai Tsiskaridze, whose biography is rich in interesting twists and turns. What does his last name mean? Why did he choose to dance? Why did he refuse to leave the country when he was called to the West?

Nikolai Tsiskaridze biography Nikolai was born on December 31, 1973. The mother of the future dancer at that time was already 42 years old, and doctors gave no chance of motherhood. But Lamara Nikolaevna, being a religious woman, convinced herself that she would definitely have a child. She went to temples and prayed. And her long-awaited son was born. Interestingly, the surname Tsiskaridze from Georgian translates as “first star”.
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Publication by Nikolai Tsiskaridze (@tsiskaridzenikolay)
In school years, Nicholas showed his best side. He was a very capable student, learning was easy for him, and teachers predicted a great future for the guy. Teachers were sure that he would definitely enter one of the leading universities in the country. The mother shared this sentiment and hoped that her son would become either a lawyer or a teacher. But it was different.
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Publication by Nikolai Tsiskaridze (@tsiskaridzenikolay)
One day, a ballet performance was shown on television, which Nicholas liked so much that he seriously wanted to be part of what was happening. Seeing an announcement near the local ballet school about the recruitment of students, 10-year-old Nikolai independently entered the competition, passed the selection, and only then told his mother about everything. She was not enthusiastic about this idea, but the teachers of the school managed to convince Lamar Nikolaevn.
Then there were trips to Moscow, where the guy was twice refused. But on the third attempt, the mother’s efforts were crowned with success, because Nicholas was able to see the talent. So Tsiskaridze was in the class of the outstanding ballet teacher Peter Pestov.
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Publication by Nikolai Tsiskaridze (@tsiskaridzenikolay)
From that moment, Nicholas’ journey to the top began. And here we must pay tribute to his mother, who for the sake of her son’s dream left a calm and measured life in Tbilisi to move to Moscow.
She did not want the child to be left alone and live in a boarding school. Therefore, at first the mother and son lived with relatives in the capital, and later rented housing. It is a pity that the woman could not see Nicholas on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. She passed away when the guy was only 21.
View this post on Instagram
Publication by Nikolai Tsiskaridze (@tsiskaridzenikolay)
Why Tsiskaridze did not leave Nikolai admitted that he was offered many times to go to the West, and this practice was quite popular at the time, many agreed. Tsiskaridze received such an offer in 1992, when the situation in the country was particularly difficult. There was not enough money, and the prospects seemed vague, because the artists were not needed.
However, in the same 1992, Nikolai came to the Bolshoi Theatre, which for him always seemed to be the top, and he considered it simply a strange decision to go somewhere. Moreover, Tsiskaridze himself never liked the position of an immigrant.
He explained that once he was in New York, where he visited old acquaintances from Tbilisi. The terrible conditions in which his well-to-do comrades lived in emigration, finally drove away from Tsiskaridze the idea of a possible move.
View this post on Instagram
Publication by Nikolai Tsiskaridze (@tsiskaridzenikolay)
Later, Nicholas was convinced that he had done the right thing. He still says that locals never take immigrants for their own. Neither the Germans, nor the British, nor the French even invite immigrants to visit. That is why it is only possible to communicate with each other. And Tsiskaridze never wanted such a boring life for himself.
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