After retirement, my food basket has changed irreversibly.
Regardless of the rhythm of life, insufficiently arranged salary or physical passivity, we can keep our body in the right condition. You just have to overpower yourself. Do gymnastics at least 15-20 minutes a day, do not spray on unnecessary purchases, get rid of bad habits. The budget diet of a modern person is not so difficult. All it takes is desire.
For example, people of retirement age. It is difficult for them, especially now, when the situation around the world is categorically unstable. You have to rebuild, learn new things and carefully monitor your health. Not everyone knows that budget products are not always equally “low-quality”. The benefits can be obtained from what is quite inexpensive.
The most useful of offal is chicken liver. It activates the human nervous system, reduces the amount of cortisol in the body and stimulates the production of red blood cells in the blood. It is easy and quick to cook, and there are many recipes with it. But kidneys, lungs, hearts can also be put into action. When boiled or stewed, these products may surprise you.
Beef or veal brain, despite its unattractive appearance, is generally a delicacy, and costs a penny. Pig legs traditionally go to the cold, and from the ears is a great snack. In both cases, we get an impressive dose of collagen, which perfectly copes with the task of maintaining facial skin tone, for example. Even from the chicken frame it will be possible to prepare a delicious and healthy broth.
Cabbage salad, carrots, onions and some butter are practically a recipe for longevity. You can make sauerkraut, or you can just do a light salad for every day. The huge amount of vitamins in these products will positively affect the appearance and well-being. Oil, vegetable or olive, will help absorb fiber from vegetables and have a beneficial effect on the work of the joints. Enough teaspoon for a salad.
Since we are talking about the benefits of cabbage, sea kale should also be mentioned. In dry, fresh or pickled form - it does not matter. It is a source of large amounts of iodine, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. If you take it as a basis and add a few other products for taste, you will get a very healthy and inexpensive salad that can be improved every day.
Herring is rich in such useful substances as calcium, fluoride and omega-3. In general, they are rich not only herring, but also sprat, capelin, and other inexpensive species of marine fish. Interestingly, those pieces of fillets that are sold in plastic jars are not as useful as, say, herring from a barrel. So buying frozen carcasses and salting them yourself is a very good idea.
Legume plants Nut, peas, beans are a storehouse of vegetable proteins. Perhaps not 100%, but they can replace meat dishes, for which there is not always enough money. From these products, cereals, soups, casseroles, salads and much more are prepared. Putting out canned beans with vegetables and serving with fine lavash, ah, it's just a touch. This will be the basis of Mexican cuisine. We recommend adding more pepper!
Calcium dairy products are important for a person at any age. As children, we break bones, but they fuse very quickly. In retirement, each new fracture can lead to big problems. Bone tissue needs to be strengthened. Milk is the easiest and cheapest way out. But there's a percentage of people who can't absorb it. Pharmacy calcium or dairy products will come to the rescue.
Cheese, for example, contains more protein than any meat and dairy product. It is easily absorbed, it is difficult to gain excess weight from it, and it also strengthens bone tissue. In the market you can look for inexpensive positions, with minimal fat content. If desired, you can simply add a spoonful of natural yogurt to whole milk, wait and get your delicious and, most importantly, healthy yogurt.
We have not yet remembered about whole cereals, soy products, apples, homemade bread. After all, all this is very expensive, but it brings impressive benefits to our body. And it is not boring if you alternate ingredients among themselves. The main thing is to have patience and not be lazy to cook all this healthy food. Health and resources will come later. You'll see!

For example, people of retirement age. It is difficult for them, especially now, when the situation around the world is categorically unstable. You have to rebuild, learn new things and carefully monitor your health. Not everyone knows that budget products are not always equally “low-quality”. The benefits can be obtained from what is quite inexpensive.
The most useful of offal is chicken liver. It activates the human nervous system, reduces the amount of cortisol in the body and stimulates the production of red blood cells in the blood. It is easy and quick to cook, and there are many recipes with it. But kidneys, lungs, hearts can also be put into action. When boiled or stewed, these products may surprise you.

Beef or veal brain, despite its unattractive appearance, is generally a delicacy, and costs a penny. Pig legs traditionally go to the cold, and from the ears is a great snack. In both cases, we get an impressive dose of collagen, which perfectly copes with the task of maintaining facial skin tone, for example. Even from the chicken frame it will be possible to prepare a delicious and healthy broth.
Cabbage salad, carrots, onions and some butter are practically a recipe for longevity. You can make sauerkraut, or you can just do a light salad for every day. The huge amount of vitamins in these products will positively affect the appearance and well-being. Oil, vegetable or olive, will help absorb fiber from vegetables and have a beneficial effect on the work of the joints. Enough teaspoon for a salad.

Since we are talking about the benefits of cabbage, sea kale should also be mentioned. In dry, fresh or pickled form - it does not matter. It is a source of large amounts of iodine, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. If you take it as a basis and add a few other products for taste, you will get a very healthy and inexpensive salad that can be improved every day.
Herring is rich in such useful substances as calcium, fluoride and omega-3. In general, they are rich not only herring, but also sprat, capelin, and other inexpensive species of marine fish. Interestingly, those pieces of fillets that are sold in plastic jars are not as useful as, say, herring from a barrel. So buying frozen carcasses and salting them yourself is a very good idea.

Legume plants Nut, peas, beans are a storehouse of vegetable proteins. Perhaps not 100%, but they can replace meat dishes, for which there is not always enough money. From these products, cereals, soups, casseroles, salads and much more are prepared. Putting out canned beans with vegetables and serving with fine lavash, ah, it's just a touch. This will be the basis of Mexican cuisine. We recommend adding more pepper!

Calcium dairy products are important for a person at any age. As children, we break bones, but they fuse very quickly. In retirement, each new fracture can lead to big problems. Bone tissue needs to be strengthened. Milk is the easiest and cheapest way out. But there's a percentage of people who can't absorb it. Pharmacy calcium or dairy products will come to the rescue.

Cheese, for example, contains more protein than any meat and dairy product. It is easily absorbed, it is difficult to gain excess weight from it, and it also strengthens bone tissue. In the market you can look for inexpensive positions, with minimal fat content. If desired, you can simply add a spoonful of natural yogurt to whole milk, wait and get your delicious and, most importantly, healthy yogurt.
We have not yet remembered about whole cereals, soy products, apples, homemade bread. After all, all this is very expensive, but it brings impressive benefits to our body. And it is not boring if you alternate ingredients among themselves. The main thing is to have patience and not be lazy to cook all this healthy food. Health and resources will come later. You'll see!
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