Thinking about the age at which to retire and how to know it’s time
Recently, France is experiencing a real crisis associated with raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 years. Demonstrators hold mass rallies, block roads and organize riots. On their side and part of the political elite of the country. Against this background, the French government almost resigned.
Although general retirement-age table The current retirement age of 62 is the lowest in Western Europe. And even after rising to 64 years, it will remain one of the lowest on the continent. Italians and Germans retire at 67 and Britons at 66.
Emmanuel Macron said before the presidential election that he wanted to make the French economy more competitive. And for this, the people of the country simply need to work more. However, the French themselves are not happy with this approach.
Today's edition. "Site" Think about what the retirement age would be. And is it possible to name any exact numbers that would suit everyone?
The highest retirement age in Norway, Iceland, Italy. People here retire at 67. In Germany, since 2012, the pension reform continues, during which the retirement age is also increased to 67 years. Germans were retired at 65.
Raising the retirement age allows to increase the share of the working population in the economy. After all, those citizens who would have quietly retired are forced to work and bring money to the economy.
At the same time, state spending on pensions is reduced. And even the most highly developed and wealthy countries are taking such an unpopular step to revive their economies.
It is worth noting that when the life expectancy of citizens in conditional Germany increases significantly, the pension burden also increases. After all, pensioners are becoming more and more.
As a result, the population is “aging”, the share of pensioners is growing, the economy is stalling. It is necessary to take into account the fact that modern young people are in no hurry to have many children, which further exacerbates the problem with the “aging of the population”.
Of course, ordinary people do not care about any economic wisdom there. And citizens of post-Soviet countries have even more arguments in their defense. Our life expectancy is much lower than in Western Europe. Many people simply do not live to retire. Even the retirement age of 60 is considered too high.
If you look at the surveys, most people agree that the retirement age for women should not be higher than 55 years, and for men – not higher than 60. Although there are those who believe that the 50-year mark is sufficient for retirement for both women and men. People who have dangerous or unhealthy jobs can retire even earlier.
Of course, it happens that the pensioner himself wants to continue to work, because he likes the job or he feels enough strength. And such people should be encouraged in their pursuit, not limited.
Moreover, due to the small size of the pension, many citizens are forced to work in old age to feed themselves and their loved ones. After all, a meager pension is not even able to cover basic expenses.
What do you think of retirement age? What figures do you think are fair? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Although general retirement-age table The current retirement age of 62 is the lowest in Western Europe. And even after rising to 64 years, it will remain one of the lowest on the continent. Italians and Germans retire at 67 and Britons at 66.
Emmanuel Macron said before the presidential election that he wanted to make the French economy more competitive. And for this, the people of the country simply need to work more. However, the French themselves are not happy with this approach.

Today's edition. "Site" Think about what the retirement age would be. And is it possible to name any exact numbers that would suit everyone?
The highest retirement age in Norway, Iceland, Italy. People here retire at 67. In Germany, since 2012, the pension reform continues, during which the retirement age is also increased to 67 years. Germans were retired at 65.

Raising the retirement age allows to increase the share of the working population in the economy. After all, those citizens who would have quietly retired are forced to work and bring money to the economy.
At the same time, state spending on pensions is reduced. And even the most highly developed and wealthy countries are taking such an unpopular step to revive their economies.

It is worth noting that when the life expectancy of citizens in conditional Germany increases significantly, the pension burden also increases. After all, pensioners are becoming more and more.
As a result, the population is “aging”, the share of pensioners is growing, the economy is stalling. It is necessary to take into account the fact that modern young people are in no hurry to have many children, which further exacerbates the problem with the “aging of the population”.
Of course, ordinary people do not care about any economic wisdom there. And citizens of post-Soviet countries have even more arguments in their defense. Our life expectancy is much lower than in Western Europe. Many people simply do not live to retire. Even the retirement age of 60 is considered too high.

If you look at the surveys, most people agree that the retirement age for women should not be higher than 55 years, and for men – not higher than 60. Although there are those who believe that the 50-year mark is sufficient for retirement for both women and men. People who have dangerous or unhealthy jobs can retire even earlier.
Of course, it happens that the pensioner himself wants to continue to work, because he likes the job or he feels enough strength. And such people should be encouraged in their pursuit, not limited.

Moreover, due to the small size of the pension, many citizens are forced to work in old age to feed themselves and their loved ones. After all, a meager pension is not even able to cover basic expenses.
What do you think of retirement age? What figures do you think are fair? Share your thoughts in the comments.
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