Archpriest Andrei Tkachev explains on his fingers how to banish poverty from life

Poverty reduction is not just on the agenda for senior officials. To be precise, it mostly cares. commonerThose who want to live better. Unfortunately, the usual “ways of success” promoted by foreign specialists do not work well in the CIS countries. The situation is getting a little better, but unfortunately, in most cases. The main driving force is luck.Not patience and hard work.

Protopriest Andrei Tkachev repeatedly answered questions about money and poverty. The priest believes that poverty persecutes people who commit trifecta. I suggest you carefully analyze each of them. The first case is when people borrow. They do not just take, but sometimes do not give or give, but with a delay.

I want to stop there and expand it a little. Mostly in debt take those who are used to living beyond their means. Such individuals are poorly able to save, do not follow the course of finances and often do not understand where a huge part of the income has gone. Profits and losses of debtors do not coincide, and therefore they have to issue loans or borrow.

I would advise people like that to start.carefully monitor each spent ruble. You need to make a notebook or write it to the phone. all expenses and income. In this case, you can find out where the money flows and why it goes into the red. Perhaps this is because of the desire to buy an iPhone, although the salary clearly does not allow it? Or take a taxi when you can walk? Such. budget holes Usually quite a lot.

Secondly, Tkachev mentions those who pick up. Unfairly earned money burns through your pocket. And it is not at all in esoteric or religious attitudes. The person who took someone's money, usually cannot live quietly. He is nervous, twitching and can not even spend them without unnecessary thoughts. All this, of course, leads to sad consequences in the form of mental problems. Stolen money does not bring happiness.

There is a third case that the priest advises to avoid. Archpriest in every way possible censures Sunday work. Even if you are not a religious person and rarely go to church, these words can be usefully interpreted.

Always try. balance. Workaholics, even doing what they love, quickly burn out, their internal resources are depleted, and work becomes impossible. A wiser solution would be to correctly allocate working days and rest days. Give your body and brain a rest and do not overexert them.

It should also not be forgotten that care It guarantees high physical and mental performance. In other words, if you follow dietaryYour body will thank you. It will be easier to think, ideas will come faster. And you can also study a couple of times a week in the hall or at least run in the morning.

Many people sacrifice their health for money. They are short-sighted, because because of this they will have to lay out much more on specialists who will put in order a weakened body. Trust me, people don't just advise. exercise or let your head rest in the evening, with quiet music. All this is necessary for your body to prepare for the next day and reboot.

And probably the most important thing. This is what young people and sometimes older people ignore. It's, of course, a dream. You can exclude almost anything from your life, but Not a dream. Short and poor sleep can be the true cause of your poverty and other problems. For example, overeating and inability to concentrate on an important task. Yeah. How to Make Responsible DecisionsWhat if the head still reaches down?

Don’t forget these simple tips and remember that poverty reduction is only possible if every citizen of the country learns financial literacy and sets priorities correctly.


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