We broke down the greenhouse in the country and do not regret, only the extra trouble was
Greenhouses for giving - do they need them? Is it worth investing serious money for the sake of three dozen seedlings and two buckets of cucumbers? We compare the pros and cons, evaluate convenience and potential benefits to make an informed decision.
The question deserves consideration, but it is unlikely that in the framework of this article it can be given an unambiguous answer. A decision can change many factors. So in cold and rainy years, the greenhouse helps, and in warm and successful without it, according to experienced gardeners, it is possible to do.
In addition, you need to take into account the climatic zone, the characteristics of the crops grown, financial opportunities and time that you can spend in the country. But everything in order.
If your garden season opens only with the beginning of summer, then, most likely, you can do without a greenhouse. This acquisition will disappoint those summer residents who have the opportunity to visit the site only occasionally. In any case, those who are thinking about a new greenhouse, it will be useful to make a table with questions and count the pros and cons in it.

The question deserves consideration, but it is unlikely that in the framework of this article it can be given an unambiguous answer. A decision can change many factors. So in cold and rainy years, the greenhouse helps, and in warm and successful without it, according to experienced gardeners, it is possible to do.

In addition, you need to take into account the climatic zone, the characteristics of the crops grown, financial opportunities and time that you can spend in the country. But everything in order.
- Greenhouse will allow you to grow seedlings without cluttering window sills and balconies in the apartment. There is no need for torment with humidifiers, lighting and other rubbish.
- In a greenhouse, it is easier to defeat phytoftora and protect plants from pests. If, of course, properly prepare the greenhouse for winter.
- You can get your vegetables a couple of weeks earlier.
- Planting in the greenhouse is protected from sudden changes in weather, frost, hail and acid rain. Although there are nuances depending on the type of coverage. So strong hail can damage glass and polycarbonate. And the film loses its transparency under the influence of ultraviolet rays, becomes fragile in the cold and stretches from the wind.
- In the greenhouse, you can extend the fruiting of tomatoes until the end of November.
- A good profit can bring growing flowers in the greenhouse for sale.
- In the north, it is the only way to grow vegetables.
- You will have to spend money on buying a greenhouse or at least materials for its manufacture. Regular costs of glass and film replacement will be added. If we take into account the importation of soil, heating and the purchase of seedlings, then a very decent amount emerges. Perhaps it will be enough for ten years to buy all the necessary vegetables in the bazaar.
- If it is not possible to stay in the country permanently, then you will need an automatic ventilation and watering system. This further increases investment. In general, it is believed that the projects of industrial greenhouses pay off starting from an area of 1 hectare and above. And whether to start the whole fuss for a few buckets of cucumbers is a difficult question.
- It is not always possible to combine the aesthetics of a well-groomed area with a primitive greenhouse made of improvised materials.
- There is an opinion that vegetables in the open ground are much tastier than greenhouses.
- The problem can be theft and vandalism in the country. And if the issue of watering and airing can somehow be solved, then it is quite difficult to do something with the first.
If your garden season opens only with the beginning of summer, then, most likely, you can do without a greenhouse. This acquisition will disappoint those summer residents who have the opportunity to visit the site only occasionally. In any case, those who are thinking about a new greenhouse, it will be useful to make a table with questions and count the pros and cons in it.
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